@adrianandreev.eth #267836

#Kennedy24, listen to coherent thought and truth: https://open.spotify.com/show/30DqNXrHLKzz4xzmoty6xf?si=nfcdGE7DSuOw2BFE3oXwHQ
1173 Follower 736 Following
It feels like for decades, we have been living in a thin veneer reality that gets reset in the mass public consciousness every so often with big spectacles.
Muddled by religion and materialism with ill intent. Only to keep us malleable and to keep chasing the carrot/dragon of the good ol days or future faux promises.
The Covid disaster was a blessing in disguise.
It shattered a lot of people’s thin veneer realities.
It also deepened the sleep for some.
I believe god and materialism are needed. However, only up to the basic needs to be met for that individuals needs and for them to be kept pure, without middlemen or peddlers.
Anywho, from dust we cometh, to dust we goeth.
/ rant
On the topic of loops/feedback loops, we are stuck in the violence, killing and destruction loop.
We should create a new loop of sitting down, listening to the other, be accepting, accountable and constructive for a better future as a society. All religions, beliefs, genders and identities included.

“Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him.”
-Fyodor Dostoevsky

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A new form of a spiderweb is being spun to entrap us.
Like the free speech fiascos of ‘20-‘24, this next one will be more sinister. It will boil down to thought control of what you can query into AI for answers or generation of content. When the prompt is not approved for queries/content generation, the curious mind will wilt like a rose without water.
It will then be dependent on AI for existence, creating a greater gap of communication and understanding of fellow man/woman.
Be a tree with deep roots or the mycelium highway.
Find fellow trees and mycelium before the extinction event of free thought and free will. 🫡
Purity is in all forms, physical/material, science and truth, spirituality and consciousness.

When you see advanced tech and it’s like magic or “woo”, it’s because they don’t teach the right stuff at skool (especially if it’s not part of the approved narrative):

Cute = innocence = purity = humanity naturally attracted to it.
The choices will be to:
observe or
exploit or
I think that the 1 of the keys is un-manipulated consent and that the “x” from the lower realms, is freed/loved/recognized/appreciated.
The other key I think is: do not engage with the lower gods/realms (mammon/moloch)
In addition, if “x” changes consent because of “x”, then the remainder will be/should be redacted making the previous null and void. See some of the memes of the past/today. Aka: Be bound until you no longer wish to be bound & wish to be free (smart contract feature of consent until “x date” to reevaluate to continue or terminate). 🫡
The more you know =
The more you don’t know.
(Dave Chappelle hook):
Understand the low in life and people.
Understand the high in life and people.
The right answer is centered, not binary.
Alethea & purity are slippery, seek the truth, genuiness, honesty and purity; (include the flaws and understand them)

It’s a path, of no harm, but of peace and calm:


Things will get weird, things will get esoteric as time progresses. But, keep you, YOU.
Keep seeking the truth, honesty and PURITY.
Then, do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.
Sometimes lyrics and artists will not only channel current feelings in culture but weird esoteric feelings in humans that need to be addressed in masse..we lost it through commercialization as a product/hottest item to consume
Keep you, you.
Pure to your truest form, even if it does not conform

You have to question the laws to find the unjust flaws.

With enough love and care, you can befriend a bear.

Not everyone will be your friend to the end.

Keep seeking for Alethea my friend, the journey never ends.

Take a rest, because the ill and best can get quite stuck in the muddy waters of the monotone fears.

Start at the 12min mark.

It’s been an interesting journey.
I started with the UFO/UAP field and ended up in spirituality and consciousness.
Then I started with the AI field and ended up in spiritually and consciousness.
Materialism should only be up to the point of basic existence.
Spirituality and consciousness should be up to you and how much agency you want/can handle.
Just don’t give up your agency and soul for trinkets and lower vibrations (fame/fortune).
Interesting conversation and overview of the current UFO/UAP field.
In one of his theories about abduction, he is proposing they are obtaining pure genetics before things went wrong.
It could be the nukes in the future, but I am proposing the (1) genetic engineering we have done to ourselves (mRNA, crispr, etc.) and our (2) current toxic food/products/environments (3)neurallink that messed us up. Someone from the future should comment in binary if they know what it was, please & thanks.

#blockuniverse #evolution #moon #religion #aliens #nonlocalconciousness #precognitivedreams #thealiensareus #abductions #timetravel
Until we learn to coexist peacefully and in harmony, it doesn’t matter what planet we go to next.

When we can make it a utopia here for all, then we can and should expand/explore.

Have to beat the game on nightmare mode before starting over on easy.

Ps don’t rush to get the monkeypox vaccine shots and stay away for a while from people that do. 🫡
First try at making homemade pear moonshine, feels a bit breaking bad-ish.

Lessons learned:
Make sure you follow the yeast instructions on the packets for waking up the yeast.

If first time, make sure you get a complete moonshine still/package from a reputable place that uses quality materials, which also has instructional videos for still assembly and general guidelines on distillation.

Not everything will be a precise science but you want to try and be as close as possible to the measurements and procedures.

If stirring the mash during fermentation, make sure the utensils and your hands are sterile so you aren’t introducing additional elements/bacteria to the mash.

Get clear/glass carboys from amazon that are good quality with the little bubble tops for off gassing the resting fermentation (so you don’t have an explosion in your house).

When distilling, DO NOT LEAVE THE STILL.

Have a water hose ready and be ready to turn off the flame at source. Almost blew my self up, god was watching over me
The perfect example of the old adage “science progresses one funeral at a time”. In public they denounce but in private they are curious, confide and confess.

Trying to understand the mechanics behind the “feeling of being stared at” & “thinking about an old friend and the phone rings with them on the phone”:

#rupertsheldrake #psychic #consciousness #paranormal #telepathy #tedtalk #ted #banned #censored #terencemckenna #dawkins #shermer #heretic #MorphicResonance #angel #parapsychology

why are deliveries on a ship called cargo, but in a car it's called a shipment?
From today’s grass touching & just a few miles apart:

Love & care vs neglect & disrepair
Bull market vs Bear market
Online persona vs Offline persona
Politicians promises vs reality
Etc. 🫡
Instead of peace they chose war
Instead of love they chose hate
Instead of care they chose neglect
Instead of interest they chose disinterest

The narcissistic tendencies which are self centered, is one human flaw that is being utilized against us.
We simply do not care about “X” until “X” personally affects us.
We simply don’t change “X” until “X” impacts us.
We simply don’t listen to “X” until “X” validates current perceived reality.
Be curious, choose peace, choose love, choose care, be interested in others and things outside of you/your current thoughts.
Instead of listening, hear and think back about your current state.
Strive for the greater good through constant exploration and make it about the greater humanity instead of self.
There’s evil afoot and it’s tightening its grip around our throats/mind/spirit.
Dog wiff hat, dog wiff this and that.

But does your doge have a metal axe:

“Governance and control. The ultimate battle is for your consciousness, spirit and soul.”

Keywords: Magik, cybernetics & cyberneticians, AI, post-humanism/modernism, trans-humanism, Russell Square, military industrial complex, Babbage, new world order, X-club, genetics, digital currency, body implants, frequencies, consent, pico-science, possession, smart dust, humanism, alchemy, 4/5-element theory, eugenics/genocide, horror, promethean, disassembling of US and Ireland, club of Rome, Bolshevik revolution, breaking boundaries into the person, power in spiritual consciousness, legal history, human rights, ghosted, US legislation for biotechnology (09/2022), land capital, techno permaculture, Russia, NATO, WEF, neotrotskism, apparitions, mystics, globalization

I hope someone makes a male version of the ultimate fitness training for relationships:

The two trees:
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart,
The holy tree is growing there;
From joy the holy branches start,
And all the trembling flowers they bear.
The changing colours of its fruit
Have dowered the stars with merry light;
The surety of its hidden root
Has planted quiet in the night;
The shaking of its leafy head
Has given the waves their melody,
And made my lips and music wed,
Murmuring a wizard song for thee.
There, through bewildered branches, go
Winged Loves borne on in gentle strife,
Tossing and tossing to and fro
The flaming circle of our life.
When looking on their shaken hair,

And dreaming how they dance and dart,
Thine eyes grow full of tender care:
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart….
New dating strategy:
>hit up Costco
>buy cheese in bulk
>stand on the sidewalk
>hand out to ladies