Barnabé Monnot

@barnabe #5451

Robust Incentives Group @ Ethereum Foundation https://rig.ethereum.org
2023 Follower 157 Following
Alright reached the dlc start point in elden ring…
c r o s s p o s t i n g from @fireflyapp
Insane levels of alpha this week on the Berlin office whiteboards! Expect a lot more not-hackmd's...
A validator can bind another validator by producing an inclusion list.

But what if the means of IL production were decentralised to the whole network of ETH holders?

Light-delegated, committee-based, potential-incentivised, anonymous mixed spot+unconditional/forward+conditional cumulative inclusion lists…

Should it surprise anyone that it feels like there are as many ways to design ILs as there are blockchain designs?
Excited to release this post by @seiryu and myself :) We're long past the days of a single block producer including users in their block directly (see the whole MEV convo), so it is natural to update our fee market models to account for block co-creation patterns such as ERC-4337. Read on for more!
I would probably use Notion a lot more if it was way snappier. But the > 2secs page loads, infinite spinners etc really add a ton of friction to my workflow with it. Any tips to reduce this? cc @randomishwalk
Having too much fun with draw.io
A new post on everything ePBS, slot auctions, execution tickets, attester-proposer separation, preconfirmations and even PEPC! I propose an alternative mechanism, "APS-Burn", to execution tickets in order to achieve attester-proposer separation https://mirror.xyz/barnabe.eth/QJ6W0mmyOwjec-2zuH6lZb0iEI2aYFB9gE-LHWIMzjQ
Falling in love with fee markets again. The literature has grown impressively since 2020-2021, and after reviewing a few of these new papers, I am finding a lot of power in the modelling approach. Trying to reframe some of the current questions with this perspective helps considerably it seems
Capacity increases may have mixed effects on prices, if network effects/induced demand overwhelm the new capacity.

What they do not have a mixed effect on: The total realised demand, which increases strictly.

This means more users on-chain, more interactions, more useful possibilities to transact. Unequivocally good!
Friends don't let friends keep their posts in draft for months... I got distracted by rainbow staking (you should read it if you haven't yet!) but here is finally part 3 of my semantics of staking 🥳 https://mirror.xyz/barnabe.eth/62E79gUSqiwS9NEbbfdwTdy7G9Hh098fcV38vWv8VQo
Bit of blue sky thinking on different models for the economic organisation of staking and protocol services more generally! A good exercise in trying to create a coherent model from many discussions that took place in the last few months https://ethresear.ch/t/unbundling-staking-towards-rainbow-staking/18683?u=barnabe