Blake 🎩👨‍🌾

@blaketheartist #294091

Conduit for creativity. ⚡️ Lost in the garden. 👨‍🌾 Following all gardeners 🕺
1298 Follower 2461 Following
Really enjoooying @rodeodotclub featuring @f314, @grims, @fazeleh, @dinburns, @alemac, @bleaker, and others

Filter > first rodeo

Lots of talent and inspo!
My garden is giving me an unexpected feeling of “finished.” (For now)

Of course I still putter around and tinker with things, but it’s never felt this ready to just relax in 🧘‍♂️👨‍🌾
I moved a tree and now the garden feels better than ever! I freaking love spring 👨‍🌾
What’s up with all the 🍖 in names now? What did I miss over the weekend?
Barn Upgrade 👷‍♂️👨‍🌾
early AM Home Depot run for barn supplies 👷‍♂️

I’m “finishing” a barn stall that’s been standing (mostly stagnant) for 100 years.

Soon it will be a shipping office for my sister who makes ceramics ❤️
Just now realized how based this barn is 🔵⚪️

Me: I wonder if arugula wishes its name was easier to spell 🤔
Just submitted my first /opepen collection 👀🌺🤞
Infinite Love exhibit by Yayoi Kusama at SF MOMA 🙌 /art
Hi I’m brand new to /flora but I LOVE flora and art and flora art 🙋‍♂️💐🥰
Found a lot of inspiration today and ran lots of experiments 👨‍🔬👨‍🌾🤹‍♂️
What are your favorite FC channels? Looking for new ones to join 🙋‍♂️