Bravo Johnson

@bravojohnson #5951

Antiques dealer, machine psychologist. http://www.musicinphasespace.com
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Apparently Levi’s suicide shortly after the interview did a number on Roth’s (so his doppelgänger blurts, Roth not denying it)
In the annals of forgotten kingdoms, there lived an astrologer, a man of unshakable certainty. He had once foretold the end of history, that the unfolding of time itself would cease, and his prophecy so delighted the king that the astrologer ascended to the highest rank in the court. For years, he basked in royal favor, smug in his conviction that nothing more could ever happen.

But time, like an unfaithful servant, began to rebel. Unruly events—wars, revolutions, pestilence—quietly crept back into the kingdom. The astrologer, in his growing panic, devised an absurd solution: he began sewing new pockets into his robes, where he could stuff every stray historical event, every unwelcome occurrence that threatened his immaculate end. Soon, his garments bulged grotesquely with rebellion, famine, and intrigue, but no one dared mention his increasingly monstrous appearance.
What’s the cosmic punchline you are waiting for?
Would have put this in books but can’t be bothered to ask for permission. Permissionless social hehe…

Operation Shylock finds Phillip Roth meeting his doppelgänger Phillip Roth as they cross paths in Israel and Palestine. Zionism and pompous diasporism. The book flips between biting satire and existential panic, as Roth tears into both ideologies. Its full of doppelgänger tropes like mirror image, evil twin, identity crisis, imposter syndrome, psychological breakdown, moral opposition etc
Half the Florida journos sound like realtors, the other half like renters forking landlord renovations
Repackaged centralization

How is it possible that much of the decentralized future depends on a too big to fail, economic concentration moral hazard, taxpayer burden, unfair competition garrison state?
Am I the only one making the Milton ~> Paradise lost analogy for CAT5 hurricane?
Hyperreality is thinning out.
Actually this is “good” for platforms: predictable, scalable, engaging as food wrapper, algorithm-friendly, ad-safe, data-rich, low-risk, cost-effective, and controllable but “bad” for users. So the more you squeeze the less “Turing complete” you’re going to get and viceversa
Most “creators” would not pass the Turing test either
The decision-making process isn’t a sleek operating system; it’s a jury-rigged patchwork of bad wiring, human error, and the madness of crowds.
It: differential equations, topology
Make your own movie: algebra
Distribution: calculus
Thucydides first draft:

Alright, buckle the f*** up, because I’m Thucydides, an Athenian, and I decided to write down the complete and total f***ing s***show that was the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians. Why? Because the moment these dumbasses threw the first punch, I was dead certain this was gonna be the biggest f***ing war anyone had ever seen. And I wasn’t talking out of my ass—both sides were ready to go medieval on each other’s asses, gearing up like they were about to rip the world a new one. Every sword, every ship, every bloodthirsty bastard was locked, loaded, and ready to f*** s*** up. And the rest of the Greek world? They were just sitting on the sidelines, cracking their knuckles, waiting to get in on the action.
It wouldn’t get more Black Swanny than a curmudgeon option trader getting murdered by his pager in a terrorist attack.

Getting closer
Tfw a premium version of something is just no ads
Reading this now. TLDR. It seems that the drug trade is basically nationalized in Mexico with a bad conflict resolution between actors but instability is preferable than legalization cause it drives prices up. North of the border we’re running a low key protection racket playing kingpin makers in exchange for favors promoting corporate interest against environmentalists and peasant groups across Latin America and as source of discretionary funds