@clout #13443

i be on cloutedmind.twitter. doing stuff rn with /imf.
1252 Follower 264 Following
im starting to realize that if you are a deep thinker

you must write... you need to write

the writing process is simply talking everything through with yourself to the point of pristine clarity
bootstrapping used to be for founders who couldn't raise venture capital

but in crypto raising venture capital is for founders who can't bootstrap or public raise

..or have a copycat infra project that is actually redundant and they are trying to meme it into demand
in crypto specifically

what is a better GTM for a new consumer app?

1. build in stealth and then launch with good marketing


2. announce ideas, gauge interest, build in the open and keep the audience along for the journey even if it takes long
hey @dwr.eth was wondering if you could give me some insight on your throughts for usecases/applications of a new farcaster client

when does it make sense to make a client, solely for a new interface, for a completely new social app that simply also plugs into the farcatser network, does it even make sense for a non social app by chance?

did you have any visions on where farcaster clients will go in the future and what theyd look like?

sorry if its all over the place but would love your thoughts on what you see as the future of farcaster clients
that 25 yo VC associate that has 0 real experience in building anything that rejected your pitch has been high for a week at burning man and is about to come back and tweet about founder mode

keep focusing on yourself king

keep building
crypto founders building post TGE with an already released token are built different
feels like in web2 launching the same core concept for product in a slightly different way

different design, market, price, automated, personalized, niche, generalized etc etc etc

and its perfectly fine and normal

but in web3 the culture feels almost weird to do something that has been done already but slightly differently
something im learning as a founder is to find a way to keep re-inspiring yourself even if its the same thing youre working on

could be as simple as a small brand refresh, new site, new tagline etc
i would rather hold ETH than NVIDIA
fear that we may look back at the era from 2021 to 2025 and realize that whilst our industry did not die from regulatory, law enforcement and market attacks

they managed to tame crypto, they managed to change crypto into another boring fintech, another boring corporate industry

to an industry that prints out permissioned, RWA, KYCd, insider manipulated, non privacy, value constricting protocols and even value extracting protocols

they took the spark that once was, the democratization of everything, the ability for anyone to play fair, the freedom to build with innovation, the ability to give users true power and ownership... the ability to dream

i hope the pendulum swings back, i hope reflexivity occurs

i hope the ability to dream to create crypto native value survives... imagine if the internet stopped innovating internet native businesses at the email stage

i hope real DeFi survives, i hope real privacy survives

i hope

dont forget to document every step of your journey as a founder

it will be worth it more than you could imagine

even if you dont publish it publicly

and, you should start yesterday
founders, spend more time on rizz
not very cypherpunk to want only a RWA based defi sector

crypto native businesses will exist as more and more usecases and industries come onchain or be created onchain

if you think defi is a closed loop because it uses only crypto native assets you simply do not consider crypto as money and the number of possibilities that are going to happen purely onchain in the future

this take is like saying internet content is never going to scale cause its only for internet users

crypto native collateral will always be the most pristine and important and as more purely onchain business models happen with equity like tokens we will have a more robust loop of yield

people simply are not bullish enough on this industry if all you want to do is bring treasuries onchain
the best case scenario is success

the second best scenario is failing fast

the worst scenario is failing slowly
base ENS subnames is cool and all

but i have a serious question

why is L1 primary ENS name integration accross all L2s not a thing?

why are we about to now have chain specific ENS???

ENS names should be the main domains ethereum ecosystem wide not L1 only
as a founder, do not fake your socials

its not only a red flag but also cringe if you have high (artificial) engagement yet no users

its much more respectable when you build your socials organically

also unpopular opinion:

just be yourself online, not always "the founder of"

normalize being an "offbrand" founder
ETH is focused on GDP expansion, Others are focused on revenue

while everyone is operating as a business, Ethereum is operating as a country

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced and rendered in a specific time period by a country

if we apply this to Ethereum we look at the use and demand for ETH as money + demand and utility of the chain of the network

Ethereums strategy maximizes for this
"if youre not slightly embarrassed by your first product youve launched too late"

my latest go to market product has not hit user adoption metrics as hard as expected

was feeling down about it, however recently had a change in perception

i am still very grateful for even the handful of current first users

the change in perception inspired me, and i also recently organized a very high level next 3 sprints to add features, iterate and introduce extra product in hopes of finding more PMF and user demand

also ideas on marketing and education pieces

locked in
btw you sound 10x cooler if you say your startup raised money from a fair open public onchain round instead of venture funded
a startup at the most core first principles is about making bets (iterations and pivots) and executing them to find pmf of somekind

from this 2 factors influence success the most:

1. the amount of bets you can take (how long is your runway, how long can you survive)

2. which bets to lean and double down on

as a founder, your job is to be able to best play these 2 factors
where i get liquidated
i am a person who risks my money for freedom

not a person who risks my freedom for money

i am an $eth holder
did ethereum scale too much with its blobs?

is too much value being accrued at the L2 level without coming back to ETH holders?

or are costs on any other layer than mainnet inevitably going to trend to 0 and it is best to speedrun this and allow for demand to build?

is there a solution where blob fees should scale dynamically with demand or with higher mainnet gas?

new name is clean