Dan Nolan

@dannolan #226352

Co-founder of chainshot, acquired by Alchemy. Now working on all things web3 education!
89 Follower 77 Following
This video shows a great feature for smart accounts! Since smart accounts can respond to contract calls, we can do subscriptions where a collector can call into our smart account on some regular basis.

Check out how that would work with an ERC6900 Plugin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvjJLz1atP4&feature=youtu.be
is this a thing?

let's say there is a single currency FAKE and there's only one good: potatoes. People are willing to pay 1 FAKE per potato. But then, a new currency: OTH. Now people are willing to spend 1 OTH + 1 FAKE per potato (or 2 of either)

the first currency was inflated by the second's creation
Can I just jump into Albert’s space?
someone just onboarded me to farcaster

and they sponsored my account fees - best onboarder friend ever??