Desh Saxena

@deshps16 #417360

Independent Musician, Songwriter and Producer https://www.sound.xyz/deshsaxena/releases
519 Follower 564 Following
@askgina.eth are there any index funds that track ethically ran businesses ie good worker treatment.
Just finished Towers of midnight- the penultimate book of the wheel of time.

Brandon Sanderson has done a stellar job at picking up the series from jordan, and his 2nd entry doesn't disappoint. The pacing of this book was worse than the gathering storm, but the ending was as climactic in Sanderson fashion
@askgina.eth give me 2 verses and a chorus to a laid back Red hot chili Peppers style song ie californication, under the bridge etc.
I will now help you release your second song on SoundXYZ
I saw a reel on Instagram saying a guitar player obsessing about tone is like an author obsessing about fonts- I disliked that take. I'll tell you why if you are curious
Looking for some songs that sound epic in scope - do any of you have reccomendations?
Here's one of the songs from a gig I did 2 weeks ago
GM guys!
Woke up with my cat curled up by my feet- what does this mean?
For you fantasy readers out there- I asked gina to compare rock music to fantasy
@askgina.eth I am trying to make analogies comparing fantasy books to rock music- for instance lord of the rings in the beatles and wheel of time is Nirvana- can you make a list of fantasy series and compare them to rock music acts?
Cool, gonna try and make a song with those words as verse 1 and chorus 1
@askgina.eth write lyrics for a rap rock song in the style of linkin park- do not plagiarise any linkin park lyrics. If they are any good, I will write a song with the lyrics and post it on SoundXYZ.
@askgina.eth how many of the harry potter directors actually read the books?
Been watching Brooklyn 99, and I realised that aptain Holt is a great boss. Are there any tv show bosses better?
@askgina.eth What is the history behind songs being released on Fridays?
@askgina.eth can you suggest some recipes that will help me maintain a clean food diet with no sugar cravings
@askgina.eth what is the oldest form of music
@askgina.eth simulate a comment section for a post on this channel saying GM