Greg Lang

@designheretic #19846

Founder @rivet (rivet.cloud) • Æxtropian Cypherpunk • Host @ WBRT (den.social) • e/acc • 🦇🔊
1098 Follower 159 Following
Anyone know any sites like this one?

Aurora Borealis as seen from my childhood home in western Kansas
Published over a year ago—wonder what the latest on this line of research is?
My boost is ending in 2 minutes—if you want to keep seeing my posts regularly—give me a follow!

(Pictured: automated self-piloting amphibious shipping container)
Does the 4th Amendment protect an affirmative right to access privacy tools?

In this essay on the other app, I attempt to make the case.

A/o now I don’t intend to introduce any barriers to entry to this channel, as there aren’t enough cypherpunks on earth to warrant making it harder to join

If we start having problems with spam in the future I will leave open the possibility—but failing that, there are enough restrictions in the world already without me adding to them 🫡
I imagine this staircase extending upward only after a climber commits to stepping into the abyss in front of the last stair—though where it ultimately leads, I don’t know
Pro tip: remove this from your showerhead to immediately raise your standard of living

You may need to turn up your hot water heater if it runs out too quickly after doing this—I set mine to 140 (hot enough to scald so be careful!)
Magic of sufficient simplicity is indistinguishable from technology
The case against Roman Storm convenes in the US. on December 2

If he is convicted, it will set a dangerous precedent—the US government will be empowered to target any open source software developer for crimes allegedly committed with the help of their code

Please donate to his defense @ wewantjusticedao.org
Protecting free speech and privacy in cyberspace demands personal servers, not corporate cloud hosting

With a critical mass of dedicated users and builders, we can create an ecosystem (protocol + community + userbase) that makes self-hosting as easy as mainstream alternatives

Join the movement: comm.app/download
Wars of choice are always and everywhere a cure worse than the disease—because though any nation may unilaterally choose to enter one, there is no unilateral right to exit
New article—read by a voice AI from Eleven Labs:

Securing the Fourth: Reclaiming the Right to Digital Privacy in an Age of Surveillance

TLDL: the 4th Am. should be read to protect a negative right precluding the government from limiting access to privacy tools

Julian Assange’s first public speech post-release 👀👀👀 https://youtu.be/Ai34Uxnv_4s
Resharing here as it is relevant to /sovereignty too—prepare to have your perception of the modern state’s means of exercising power altered even further in the direction that brought us together to begin with

TLDR: COINTELPRO is very much still active
Yesterday I saw “Nobody Wants to Talk About Jacob Appelbaum”

In it, I learned how COINTELPRO was used to destroy a community of cypherpunks

You can’t unsee it

Hard not to be persuaded by this if you’re anything but a hardcore -ismist
Fun fact: the odds of a single vote deciding the outcome of any national contest in the US are vastly lower than the odds of dying in a car accident on your way to the polling place.
