

A channel for cypherpunks to share news, code, and strategies in the battle for strong individual privacy, permissionless self-sovereignty, and unlimited creative liberty.

KYC-LESS DECENTRALIZED COMPLIANCE (Decom) is the next revolution

5 reasons why it's about to disrupt everything you know and believe about Privacy in DeFi 👇

1/ No More Dilemmas: Tired of choosing between privacy and compliance? With Decom, you can have both. It’s about time, right?

2/ Safeguard Your Wealth: Protect your assets without losing your privacy. Your funds deserve better—are you ready to level up?

3/ Easy for Builders: Our plug-and-play SDK means no coding headaches. It’s designed for creators to bring their wildest ideas to life. What will you build?

4/ Compliance on YOUR Terms: Finally, a framework where you decide when and how compliance applies. Take back control and own your narrative!

5/ Fits Everyone’s Needs: Whether you’re staking your first tokens or moving serious capital, Decom adapts to you.

This is the future of DeFi— and we'll show you how?!
Anyone know any sites like this one?
What do electronic shelf labels, cooler smart doors, and facial recognition technologies have in common? They’re the evolutionary progression of invasive technologies that will continue to erode consumer power and privacy.

I wrote a little blog post about this, let me know your thoughts!
Cyberpunks drive business innovation!

Listen to an incredible conversation with @designheretic on Techsuite for the C-Suite #7 with Greg Lang.

Available now!

Want DeFi privacy without looking like you’re burying bodies?

Unfortunately, that's how many perceive PRIVACY in the blockchain space

A/o now I don’t intend to introduce any barriers to entry to this channel, as there aren’t enough cypherpunks on earth to warrant making it harder to join

If we start having problems with spam in the future I will leave open the possibility—but failing that, there are enough restrictions in the world already without me adding to them 🫡
Protecting free speech and privacy in cyberspace demands personal servers, not corporate cloud hosting

With a critical mass of dedicated users and builders, we can create an ecosystem (protocol + community + userbase) that makes self-hosting as easy as mainstream alternatives

Join the movement:
cypherpunk values require personal servers

moxie marlinspike (read below) recognizes that digital sovereignty isn't possible when user data is hosted by corporate clouds

but his take—the mainstream take—is basically doomerism... "people do not want to run their own servers"

our hot take is that a critical mass of obsessed users + devoted builders will eventually yield an easy-to-use platform for self-hosting.
Julian Assange’s first public speech post-release 👀👀👀
Yesterday I saw “Nobody Wants to Talk About Jacob Appelbaum”

In it, I learned how COINTELPRO was used to destroy a community of cypherpunks

You can’t unsee it
KYC is the Trojan horse for Web3 privacy protocols.

Here’s why it’s a massive privacy trap (and how to avoid it): 🧵👇
Genuine workplace convo today:

Them: What's your WhatsApp number so we can coordinate better on this project?

Me: You can reach me over Teams (corporate's choice, not mine). I try not to use WhatsApp or other Meta products for privacy reasons. I have a deep philosophical disagreement with their ad-driven, data-harvesting business model.

Them: Oh, I see. We can agree to disagree, then. I'm a capitalist and I like making money. Meta has been the best-performing stock in my portfolio this year.

"Try to make CollabTech cypherpunk"

- @drnick
This could be a cool way to bootstrap a web-of-trust, or fortify existing ones.
🔥 One-click private trading on Uniswap? It’s here 🔥

No wallet signature is required.
No trace.
Pay gas in stablecoins.
Just private swaps🪄
Join Roger Dingledine, co-founder of The Tor Project, at Devcon as he shares why the cypherpunk ethos is still relevant today.

Learn lessons from the Tor community, why privacy-by-design matters, why you may need allies among both the cypherpunks and the government, and much more!
The revolution is not about cryptocurrency. It is about autonomy