eggman 🔵

@eggman.eth #310124

e/acc || Building @ /nova || Catgirl maxi @ /imgnai || Dogecoin core dev 2013/14
13969 Follower 1546 Following
gm gm! Last call for the @0x52basedpepe spaces - kicking off in about 20mins, where we'll be talking all things fair launch!

If you see memecoin deployments in your personal future, be sure to jump on and learn the ropes from both myself, and a very based team 👌

gm earlyfam

If you’re the token launching type (or aspire to be), I’ll be joining @0x52basedpepe for a space tomorrow on the bird app!

Will be talking the joys of v3 pairs, DEXs & CEXs, fair launches, and how to deploy your token without people getting rekt at launch 😚👌
Seriously, if MATIC / POL doesn’t carve out the bottom and move up from here, I’ll cut my dick off.

This is a threat.
Keeping in with tradition

Yesterday, I went /higher my brothers

(those aren’t clouds - it’s desert!)
Announcing a brand new /warpcast product in development

Inspiration; @dumb squatted a few basenames (including mine) to try extort $250 a piece for them.

I'll be building a frame/action that lets you instantly see if any user is squatting a bns that matches another fc user's ens or fName.

Exportable lists of their wallet addresses (registrant, custody, etc) and fIDs will be provided, so you can exclude them from any airdrops or farming reward systems you're running.

Because let's face it, someone who stoops to this level is just gunna dump any tokens you give 'em. (See @dumb : insta-nuked his OG's for $100 a pop).

Let's allow the market to solve this inefficient capital problem in a decentralized fashion 🫡
>Jacek has invited you to join

6 nicer words rarely spoken

gm degen brothers, hope you've all been accumulating up dat accumulation phase!
So um, @dumb - can I have my basename?

You've been squattin' it for a while

sorta making me sad now

namesquatting v uncool

I noticed today we've gone much /higher my brothers and sisters

100 buckaroos down on the forever-up AI superbubble via @ace's new happy-gambley-super-funtime dApp.

I was going to post this on /dev and talk about the wonderful minimalist design, but trying to figure out how to join channels is like pulling teeth

Hat tip to Ace, we gunna lose a lotta money here togetha my RG's
I was going to post this in /warpcast but the new channels system means I can't.

So here it is: the new channels system is quite possibly one of the worst designed, exclusionary systems I have ever seen not only on any social platform, but on any platform in all of existence.

I am saying this without hyperbole. I've had the pleasure of getting to work on & with a lot of social platforms through my time in enterprise dev, before going full degen in the crypto world.

I've seen a lot of bad systems, but honestly, this one is just.. really out there. Exclusionary-by-default is not how to grow a young social network.

And don't come at me with the "just use a different client" shtick. It's natural to get attached to a client/platform you've used for months, and feel dismay when there's a pattern of changes being made which detract from the whole reason you fell in love with it.

I can't even imagine the thought process behind this one. It is absolutely baffling. Feels like a ghost town since it was implemented.
Why are the news reporting on us like this
Chalk one up for the "because we can" gang

USDO, Nova's dogecoin-backed stablecoin has now held the $1 peg for 229 days so far.

It remains over-collateralized by 261.565%; and until recently, stood as the *only* stablecoin available on Dogechain (bridged usdc & usdt arriving back in!)

USDO serves more as a technical showcase than anything else, as its inherent "safety first" mechanics makes it very difficult to grow in liquidity.

However, the protocol itself has stood through some deeply turbulent times in the market without breaking a sweat.

More importantly, USDO can function with *any* protocol - turning any token at all into a fully-fledged, and fully decentralized stablecoin.
gm based brothers and sisters

Have we got any (fully on-chain) perps on Base?

Not looking for platforms that bridge to other chains/require sign-ins and the likes. Needs the ability to open/close positions instantly on-chain with stables.

Preferably one with good protocol/smart contract docs for integrating with.
Needed a lil time away from the desk today

Local cat cafe served me well 🐈
First job - McDonalds (yee, cryptobro career path)

Worst job - Callcenter L2 Support

Best job - Dev (sometimes worst job tho)

Dream job - Doing it imo. Mostly "I work on what I love" stuff now. No more enterprise work for eggo

What you would do if you retire today - uh, wind up working anyway tbh

What's yours?
Only one thing can save us from this mid-cycle bear
Some people call it "the banana zone range"

I call it "the cock and ball torture range"

Hold the course my RGs, don't get fooled into shorting a bottom
Gunna be real with you all, this is actually the most brutal chop zone I've ever seen lmao, at least in 2020 we just ripped the bandaid off

Anyway, bright side: ETH is holding at the 200w. BTC has grabbed the 8W for now, longer term trend-line remains intact below.

Stay the (painful, painful) course brothers
One of the protocols we support with our custom DeFi/Yield codebase is DeFi Girls; a collection of 6,765 NFTs on Polygon.

Their request was simple; they had a treasury which they wanted to put to work for their holders.

We developed a suite of DeFi tools that allowed us to get their treasury into concentrated liquidity balancers, track the fees/rewards, and distribute it evenly among every NFT holder each month.

To date, our LP management has racked up a total of 18.69 ETH in fees for their community, all distributed via smart contract based on how many NFTs any individual owns. Approximately 20% of the fees went directly to Nova, fuelling our own growth.

This is the basis behind upcoming releases under Nova such as /cypher - building sustainable and long-lasting reward systems from real yield.

In everything we build, we aim for real revenue generation & sustained growth to boot. We're hugely looking forward to putting these strategies to work for everyone at Nova over the upcoming cycle.
top signal: I feel bullish

No but really, I'm cautiously optimistic.

So far we're actually holding the support lines instead of falling straight through them. Weekly & 2-Week both being held by the 21ema/20sma respectively.

More importantly, we pinged up off the "line in the sand" RSI levels.
Me trying to get some dev work done tonight
FYI to all our new /nova members!

..and an FYI to every other dev out there; Go+ Security's "auto audit" hates everything that uses the Optimism Superbridge.

You need to contact them to point out it's a bridged token before they'll remove the erroneous red flags 🫠 - something to keep in mind to anyone bridging!
gm all! Some quick house-keeping on $NOVA ( CA: 0x7Cea109FC3516eD1248ae9AA67B5a352cF74075e )

- Go+ Security is trash tier, and flags a bunch of alerts on every token that's set up via the Optimism Superbridge. There is no mint function, nor ability for the owner to change your balance. We're in touch with them to get that fixed up.

- The owner is not renounced; this isn't a memecoin 😬, the contract is owned and controlled by the DAO! Ownership will be transferred to the DAO Multisig over the next few days (after verifying the deployer via basescan etc).

- The total supply is also off on dexscreener; once coingecko updates with our base contract, this will be shown correctly. The starting supply was 1.4bil, which was reduced to 940mil following burns. The circulating supply is around 670mil; with the remainder owned by the DAO Multisig (i.e: you, the community).

We expect we'll have all the above sorted within the next few days. And a massive welcome to everyone joining us! 💙
It's official - /nova has migrated to Base!! 🔵

CA: 0x7Cea109FC3516eD1248ae9AA67B5a352cF74075e

Zero taxes, LP Held under the Nova Multisig.

This is the Development-driven DAO I founded - the one we launched WaifuCast under, and the one we'll be launching Gooeys (GameFi) under. Get in. It's time to cook.