
@hani1 #323158

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Eat more if it tastes good, and eat as much as it doesn't taste good.
I still love you, but I can't help myself.
Anyone who strives for self-improvement will succeed in the end.
We must build a new country in the end, and we must read good books to work hard.
There is a fire in your head, but no one can see the flame.
Cough up all night, killing me.
People without blood are pale, and people without ideals are slack.
Gathering and parting are always impermanent, and life is well.
The world is so big, I want to go out and show it to others.
看电脑看得我眼睛都要瞎掉了 想打人
The beauty of the past dynasties, the face is natural.
What is this? Guess
Gardening is more than a hobby; it's a dialogue with nature. Each seed planted is a promise, each flower a triumph. As our hands work the soil, we cultivate more than plants; we grow patience, resilience, and a deeper connection to the cycle of life.
Good night! Tomorrow, a new day is about to begin, and we will meet again on a new journey
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Frame by @nikolaiii 🚀
The former world's richest man Bezos strolled on a Greek beach with his fiancée Sanchez and their son. Having money does not necessarily mean happiness, but having a harmonious family definitely brings happiness!
Explore new places together and enjoy the world