
@jameswyper #340362

working artist
62 Follower 123 Following

I just gave this one a fresh coat of paint. available, can ship worldwide
1109032 E
found object assemblage
approx 30x24”

‘junk art’ like this assemblage is one of my favourite things to make. it brings me back to childhood, when I spent days assembling Lego and Mecanno sets, and searched through old farm yards in Saskatchewan for bits of metal and old car parts

the green and yellow aluminum are from a wrecked helicopter that I found at a junkyard. the orange hasp is from a toolbox that I bought at a flea market. all of the wood is driftwood from the sea

another @marlo quasi-collaboration, with influence from her Messages series. this painting glows with optimism and colour
New Dawn

I don’t usually paint this small, but @marlo gifted a canvas to me which had a circle study of hers painted on it. so this is a collaboration with her energy, and the top circle is the one she drafted 🩵

if you’d like this optimistic gem of a painting, please lmk
Sunday Love
Love is a Place

new commission arrived at its destination today. the collectors are very happy. life is good!
Code World IX
I'm joining /basefrens - @basefrens the first NFT project funded with Degen tips 🎩
tfw when your paintings made it from Canada to Dubai, and you’re waiting for the collectors to unbox them
irl commissions on their way to Dubai.
grateful for this practice
New Hope
acrylic on canvas
that time I painted @marlo for a task in a scavenger hunt. such a fun day! 🪄
hey friends, if you’re searching for money today, https://looksrare.org/rewards sunsetted their old rewards system and you may have Looks and Weth rewards parked there. you can recommit the Looks after you withdraw them, and earn Yolo Blast + Looks and/or Weth, or you can cash them out. you may have value there! 💚
packaging paintings for Dubai today. a long journey!
new work shipping to Dubai

these were commissioned by a young couple, who have been a joy to work with. you can see their kindness & optimism reflected in the work I channeled for them
thanks for the birthday wishes this morning!

i’m very grateful to have the artist’s life I have, with my partner @marlo, & the joyful, peaceful home we share

this work, Sanctuary, embodies that joy, and I’m excited to share more work w/you all 🌸

thanks for being here, love & luck to you on your journey
one of my favourites, Marlo
new work-in-progress for a collector in Dubai. needs a title!
Sanctuary, an image I made after Marlo and I found ourselves living in a motorhome early in the pandemic. In March of 2020, we drove from LA back to Canada, and spent the whole summer and fall looking for a home.

Once we bought a safe place, I made a few of these paintings, which represent safety and hope

a place of sanctuary

painting is available from the studio, please message James for details ☕️
New Hope

hope can arise from anywhere

painting is available from the studio, please message James for details ☕️