
@japheth #825873

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Wild roses are beautiful to behold..
Check this out
Here are some fun facts about penguins:

*Physical Characteristics:*

1. Unique Feathers: Penguins have specialized feathers that help them stay dry and warm.
2. Flightless: Penguins can't fly, but their wings are adapted for swimming.
3. Streamlined Bodies: Penguins' torpedo-shaped bodies reduce drag in water.
4. Flippers: Penguins' wings are modified into flippers for propulsion.

*Habitat and Behavior:*

1. Antarctica to Galapagos: Penguins live in southern hemisphere, from cold to tropical climates.
2. Social Animals: Penguins often live in large colonies.
3. Monogamous: Many penguin species form long-term pair bonds.
4. Excellent Swimmers: Penguins can reach speeds of up to 25 mph (40 km/h) in water.

*Interesting Behaviors:*

1. Waddling: Penguins' distinctive gait on land.
2. Tobogganing: Penguins slide on bellies, using feet and flippers for steering.
3. Diving: Penguins can dive to depths of 1,800 feet (550 meters).
4. Communication: Penguins use calls, vocalizations, and visual displays.
Check Your Hunt Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, buy his fan token & send him a tip.
Do you know that the horns of Rhinoceros are made of KERATIN the same protein as human hair and nail???
Keep moving, don't get trapped..
Things will get better.
Check Your Hunt Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip.
Animals are living organisms that excrete, respire and feed..
Wow , I've joined the @cycl0ne waiting list, you can too
We can make money together
It may seems good, but it's a trap..
Behold Animals in the Wild...
Wild morning 💕💕
Love wild..
Love nature...
Do you know that ostriches are the fastest birds on land???
Prepare for the worst moments.... So you don't get trapped..
Do you know that "Hawks" in the wild have incredible vision, with a field of view of almost 8 times greater than humans???
Landscape diversity and inclusion are interconnected concepts that consider the social and environmental aspects of landscapes. Here are some points that highlight their relationship:

1. _Accessibility_: Inclusive landscapes provide access for all people, regardless of age, ability, or socioeconomic status.

2. _Cultural representation_: Landscapes should reflect and celebrate diverse cultural backgrounds, traditions, and histories.

3. _Equitable distribution of resources_: Ensure fair access to natural resources, such as clean water and air, and community facilities.

4. _Community engagement_: Involve diverse stakeholders in landscape planning and decision-making processes.

5. _Inclusive design_: Design landscapes that accommodate different needs, abilities, and preferences.

6. _Social cohesion_: Landscapes can foster social connections and a sense of community among diverse groups.

7. _Environmental justice_: Address environmental inequalities and ensure equal protection from environmental hazards.
I don't give in to their tactics again cos I know it's a trap
It's a trap.... Be careful
Here are some facts about habitat destruction:

1. *13 million hectares of forest are lost each year*, equivalent to the size of Panama.

2. *50% of coral reefs have already been destroyed*, and up to 90% may be lost by 2050.

3. *Wetlands are being destroyed at a rate 3-5 times faster* than forests.

4. *Habitat destruction is responsible for 80% of biodiversity loss*.

5. *Human activities like agriculture, urbanization, and logging cause 70% of habitat destruction*.

6. *The Amazon rainforest has lost 20% of its cover in the past 50 years*.

7. *The current rate of species extinction is 100-1,000 times higher than the natural rate*.

8. *Habitat destruction can lead to increased risk of natural disasters like landslides and floods*.

9. *Indigenous communities are often disproportionately affected by habitat destruction*.

10. *Restoring habitats can help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide*.

11. *Habitat destruction can lead to decreased water quality and reduced access to clean water*
Isn't this flamingo beautiful to behold???
Check your Regen stats.
Frame by @sha25leo.eth