jon wong

@jnwng #4979

Lead, Ecosystem Engineering @ Solana Foundation
182 Follower 27 Following
shipped initial specifications and implementations of [Solana Actions](https://solana.com/solutions/actions )+ blinks to bring x.com (or any site) onchain

think there's an opportunity to either align or extend the existing FC transaction spec to bring that functionality directly into FC clients: https://warpcast.com/jnwng/0x99a462c6

the spec would need to adjust itself given the difference in execution models, but would be seamless to have a one-size-fits-all Frame for Solana Actions /cc @v
state compression on Solana has absolutely exploded state growth—storage space for 7.43 billion digital assets has already been allocated for just over ◎2,433, putting the price of a digital asset on Solana at ◎0.0000003 ($0.00003)

getting onchain doesn't have to be expensive!
initial thoughts on the Solana version of this spec, particularly from the perspective Solana Pay transaction requests:
- probably want to enforce CPI Guard / Lighthouse protection instructions
- might as well enforce that fees are paid for
- verify writeable accounts

... 1/2
if you've been curious about what's happening in the /solana ecosystem, join us Thursday, 2/8 at 1pm EST for:
- /farcaster w/ @dwr.eth
- Crypto x longevity w/ Bryan Johnson (Don't Die!)
- DePIN Deep Dive w/ @getgrass
- Jupuary Review w/ meow
- Launch of the Month

check it: https://lu.ma/ecosystem-call-feb