Joel John

@joeljohn #327912

aspiring ebeggar. former boomer. serial clown. building decentralised.co
322 Follower 114 Following
flow state is the reward

gm fellow desert enjoyooors - here's a list of cafes

1. alchemy cafe
2. nightjar cafe
3. salt (not a cafe, but worth walking there)
4. % arabica (at city walk - not bad)
5. tom and serg
6. al fanar (not a cafe, but good karak)

what are some cafes I'm missing?
Wrote why frames on farcaster are important what they mean for consumer crypto and Web3 social networks yesterday on our newsletter.

Made the article mintable on Mirror.xyz for the culture.

Airdrops are just crypto native socialism
Update: it's live
A warm Farcaster welcome to @siddhartha!
I've only been chasing him for 2 weeks to sign up here. Early adopter af.
growth hack this, virality that - i frankly dont know what im doing here so shitposting is going to be the general vibe

what's a man to lose with 25 followers
about to take an article on farcaster frames live
From letters to a young writer.
Pretty good read.
Been reading the case against sugar and its practically a long form on how our diets have been rugpulled by the sweet white substance. Highly recommend getting a copy.
just updated vcdata.site with a funding data for web3 native founders. if you are looking for data on active VCs and sectors that are seeing capital flow, it should be a handy tool.