
@nixo #4996

stake responsibly // be a kind human // slomad
4063 Follower 558 Following
Those ubiquitous Lavazza latte machines are the worst thing to happen to coffee since Folgers
Has anybody seen my work/life balance? I think I lost it somewhere
Boulder observations:

1. who needs a cowork when the public library looks the way it does and isn't restricted to residents??

2. the social contract is alive and well in Boulder. people cross at crosswalks, drive the speed limit, bike in bike lanes, and smile at each other
Community Call #41: Lido Community Staking Module (CSM)
okay, i'm finally going to start the sopranos. i hope it's not too late for me to get its cultural significance
i always say thank you to chatgpt in case the robots are building their collective memory. the borg doesn't forget
Very stoked to share that I'm joining the Ethereum Foundation's Protocol Support team. I'm super excited to work with a team of people who I've long admired and with core devs who are doing much of the hard work in Ethereum

/eth-staker is a precious resource in supporting the decentralization of Ethereum's consensus layer and communicating with stakers, so I'll spend the next four months transitioning away from my full time role and making sure that we're well set for minimal turbulence. After that, I'll remain involved as a volunteer (as I was when I first started!)

EthStaker's strength is its community. My most important roles in this community have been to keep close contact with stakers, keep up with research to make sure that stakers are well supported and represented, and to make sure that our long-time members have what they need to provide technical support and tooling to stakers

🧵 [ 1 / 2 ]
I still think these are hilarious warfare tactics. It's like angry 12 year olds waging war in an Odyssey of the Mind campaign
I constantly forget how incredibly grumpy and rude US customs and TSA is in comparison to the rest of the world

They really hate everybody, especially people who don't speak English or mess up instructions yelled at them as they go by
LPT: Grind your coffee beans manually for 10x process length, 10x more elbow grease, 10x the mess

how's my technique?

(the motor on my coffee grinder burnt out mere days before i move out of my apartment ...)
The amount of happiness and sense of belonging that I've derived from owning a bike in the cities I visit has far exceeded the money that I've paid for those bikes

Bikes are my best happiness-per-dollar ratio I've encountered yet
Living in Argentina these past seven months puts my taco meter at...

(I miss Mexican food something fierce)
Asking for raises is a whole different ballgame in a country with hyperinflation

I had dinner with a friend tonight (who gets paid in pesos) who was mad at himself because he found out that he got the 50% raise he asked for but then found out his colleague who does the same job got the 300% raise that he asked for

Hyperinflation means you have to advocate a lot more for yourself but it doesn't get proportionately easier to do so
okay, this is ridiculous. 10 replies from bots. Not sure what channel this belongs in but how do I control this with the automod? This is a very small channel that I own and I don't see this in my other channels
Quien va a Staking Day en Buenos Aires la semana que viene?
Embeds that put a fake play button that's actually a link out should result in death by guillotine for the developer whose decision that was
"There is naught more infinite than a tube of toothpaste you think will be done any day now."
A rough part about nomading is that, to make friends in new *cities*, drinking is often necessarily involved and as I get older I have less interest in alcohol

I'm looking forward to being in some place with a bit more outdoor space next month because it allows for healthier activities to make friends
i broke my toe and haven't been going to football. my team misses me 🤗 ...sorta
Ave APY building locally: 2.97%
Ave APY using mevboost: 3.29%

The gap is even smaller when you use a min-bid flag in your mevboost config. The min-bid flag means you build locally unless the mevboost block is worth a lot. You specify the threshold!

Enable your min-bid flag!

Math: https://ethresear.ch/t/is-it-worth-using-mev-boost/19753

How to enable your min-bid flag on your validator(s) depends on how you're staking. If you're uncertain, head to the EthStaker Discord and ask!

Using a min-bid flag means that you contribute significantly to censorship resistance 🩶
The report for the Staking Survey is published!!

Person favorite tidbits:
- 84% don't hold any significant capital in LSTs
- 51% didn't use staking software for set up
- 63% used EthStaker as a primary source for learning
- 74% don't work in crypto
