Prosocialise Foundation🍄 🎩

@prosocialise #262566

Fully aware of how necessary it is for us to banish Moloch ASAP and how to do so: We must raise awareness about fundamental emotional needs NPO Prosocialise.org
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Most socio-economic and political arguments are nothing more than sophisticated excuses to be mean.
It is very very simple:

The only way to not escalate war to mutual destruction is by all of humanity collaborating as a team.

The only way for all of humanity to collaborate as a team is to share a goal.

The goal all of humanity can share is one that is equally good for all.

The only goal that is equally good for all is meeting EVERYONE'S fundamental needs, including emotional ones.

The only way to meet everyone's needs is by meeting them unconditionally.

If you disagree, please explain what is wrong with this logic.
Glenn Greenwald recommends watching this documentary.

Especially if you are a supporter of Israel.

Have you seen it? What did you think?

"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?

There are those who give little of the much which they have--and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.
And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.

And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.

Inclusion and equity are great values. The problem is when they are used as excuses to do the exact opposite. This is what is happening with digital IDs.

They have already been partially implemented where I live. At first it seems practical to be able to access all sorts of public services very easily from the computer at home.

But then we realize that every few years we have to get a new one. If for any reason they refuse to give it to us, we get blocked out of using the public services.


Being nice truly makes organisms develop healthier
Caring for organisms alters their phenotype.
The deeper we dive into the complexity of the metacrisis, the more it becomes apparent that the changes we desire in our communities, governments, and societies must start with individual mindsets and behaviors. But what practices can help us cultivate this shift in consciousness?

Today, Nate talks with Erik Fernholm about The Inner Development Goals, a framework designed to foster the skills and capacities needed to tackle the existential challenges we face. Erik unpacks the nuance and complexities of creating such a massive project, and discusses how he’s used them in his own life to foster personal change.

How can we shift from dominant societal values, like individualism, towards ones rooted in complexity and contextual awareness? Why is it important to share these journeys of personal development and grow together as communities? How can each of us make inner changes in our own lives to reflect a more interdependent and resilient outer world?

"Researchers have long known that animals brought up with a lot of maternal care are less easily frightened and more adventurous. The tests, by a team of geneticists at McGill University in Montreal, showed that motherly care had its calming effect by --altering the expression of a gene-- that governs the brain's response to stress."

Please share this info for more people to realize that it is very important to ensure that all mothers in our society have everything they need to be able to nurture their babies both physically and emotionally. All of society will benefit.

There is a reason why solidarity is good. It's because we are all connected.
Being good isn't a philosophical goal. What is good is actually good for the world. When people's needs are met, they don't develop pathologies. When people's needs are met they become the best versions of themselves and the world is a better place because of it.
Being nice is about helping others meet their needs. It changes everything. Protopia is in our reach
Meeting people's emotional needs since conception makes saints out of psychopaths.

There are genes associated with violent behavior. It turns out, if the person with those genes is loved, allowed to participate, given attention, provided education, given freedom and privacy, as well as provided good food, shelter and healthcare, instead of becoming a murderer, they become a saint.

Help spread this information to foster responsibility for others and a society with more saints and less murderers.

Most destructive behaviors—whether in individuals or society—stem from unmet needs. When we don't understand what we're truly missing, we often try to fill the void with things that harm ourselves and others. Recognizing our fundamental emotional needs can change the way we view ourselves, each other, and even the world’s biggest issues.
"Being out of your mind is supposed to be a bad thing. "What!? Are you out of your mind!?" I say thank God I'm finally out of my mind..."

Did you ever get around to listening to this @ted ?
In 2015, millions of refugees from the countries destroyed by the US entered Sweden. It resulted in almost 2% of the population of Sweden being asylum seekers.

All the top economists predicted that all the public spending on meeting the needs of these refugees would be an economic disaster.

Now it is apparent that they were all wrong: the economy of Sweden boomed.
