
@shukudaidayo.eth #13999

Farcaster OG | Anime, NFTs, and Anime NFTs | Techno-Superflatist | Channels: /weeb3 /nihonto
1131 Follower 433 Following
Builders are pivoting to memecoins, but games and apps in the next 6-12 months are going to be incredible
My future wife is out there somewhere and she looks like this
FuwaMoco reaching 1 million subs mid-song is the most precious thing I've ever seen! Bau bau!!
Cecilia Immergreen is live and streaming one of my favorite games - Majora's Mask! Check it out!
Bullish on apps with onchain dailies - the louder your app is onchain, the more free advertising you'll get via apps like Interface, Zapper, and anything else checking the chain

This is on top of the boosted user retention that we see with web2 apps like Duolingo and gacha games
channel owners casting announcements that followers couldn’t care less about:
I feel like the pocket watch form factor would work well for hardware wallets
- Nice big touchscreen (clock face)
- Winding knob, or a nice big wheel around the perimeter, to scroll
- Chain attached to your pants as a pickpocket defense
- Fun and unique!
They're doing this to me tomorrow ૮(╥﹏╥)ა
Will I sell on this obvious sell signal?

Absolutely Not
Belated congrats to MAcci for joining the Aiko Virtual team!
3 am

Gotta work out to let off some steam 😵‍💫
Them: So what do you do on the computer all day?
Me: Idk I guess I just kind of like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw_O2vDoDrM
Last year, I wrote about the power of onchain allowlists and introduced the Shukudachi, a list of friends stored onchain using a Foundation World

I'm happy to report that the Shukudachi have migrated to EFP!

The dream of a permissionless, address-native social graph lives on!
Apparently, the Coast Guard has recently started an investigation into the Titan submersible failure, and a looooot of juicy details are now public: https://www.news.uscg.mil/News-by-Region/Headquarters/Titan-Submersible/

Might make a Paragraph post about the structural engineering (or lack thereof)!
Sometimes, it takes a keen eye to suss out when a sword might've been made

Other times, you see big, thicc sword with a scary looking tip, and you can tell right away it's from the Nanbokucho period, aka the civil war
Any tool or process that helps you better understand the *actual* user experience of using your product is worth it's weight in gold. Don't put off developing them!
Wish they had advertised pull rates on the Rubik's Packs

7 packs, no cubes 🫠
As much as it hurts to lose Ame, it's so exciting to hear that she's staying at Hololive in another role!

It's no secret that she's done a lot of work behind the scenes, seemingly related to recruitment or training of new holomems. She's also pushed VTubing as a whole forward with her 3D/VR streams, creative use of 2D assets, and more.

But when I think of her, I mostly think of her first streams back in 2020, like Limbo and Super Mario Odyssey. She lacked polish, but she was so much fun to watch and banter with! It's fair to say that she made me fall in love with VTubing.

See you later, investigator!