Simplified Privacy

@simpleprivacy #645657

Dev @ SimplifiedPrivacy.com We make Web 3 open source dev tools, as well as a privacy educational center for Linux, VPNs, and FOSS apps
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Russia blocked Discord, and you can profit from it,

Simplified Privacy sat down to interview the lead dev of Bastyon,

Rapidly rising in popularity, it's dubbed the "Russian Farcaster",

as it specializes in penetrating Russian and Chinese firewalls, by having all nodes host all messages, so that only the node-servers have to traverse the firewall, and never end-clients.

With end-to-end encryption, and even decentralized audio calls, it's easy to see why this has value. Since we last recommended this project, it's coin is up over 60%.

We summarized the dev's wisdom, into an easy to comprehend and fast read. So you can profit from getting this oppressed knowledge:


(note: no sanctions were broken, it's sold on western exchanges)

Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is now back after cyberattacks, as read-only

This is after losing the copyright lawsuit against them.

This is why Arweave is so important, to not trust a single company/organization with all of humanity's history.

Just think how corrupt and distorted Wikipedia is?

Do you really want them to control your legacy in the history books?

Here's my take-away:

Farcaster protects one against the censorship of TODAY.

Arweave protects against the censorship of TOMORROW.
Peer-to-Peer Crypto Tips.

Does your Bank Know your buying Monero or Bitcoin?

We're dropping knowledge bombs with the new article...

Tips to Avoid Getting Flagged with Peer-to-Peer Crypto:


Tor Onion:


Haveno, Bisq, Robosats

Session messenger devs switched from Australia to Switzerland.

They got a dummy legal entity in Swiss, and now all stuff is legally coming out of there.

My response:

That's great, good for you. The bigger issue is the devs promised onion-routed audio calls, which they failed to deliver on after 3+ years. And now even regular audio calls don't work.

However, from a censorship aspect, Session is stronger than Farcaster. So I guess this Swiss move is good, but ultimately it's not solving the real issues.



Mozilla disabled uBlock Origin Lite from Firefox's extension store

This is surprising given that Mozilla is supposed to be in favor of privacy. And it's among the most popular extensions, which then raises the question of what the purpose of Mozilla's store is.

According to the dev (Raymond Hill), they wrote pages of "baseless" complaints, including:

"For add-ons that collect or transmit user data, the user must be informed and provided with a clear and easy way to control this data collection"

Now Raymond Hill had to move it to Github for updates. As far as we can tell, the original non-lite extension remains.

You can learn how to use uBlock Origin from our tutorial:





Bitcoin's Tax Problem.

When Bitcoin is used for real world cash, it creates tiny capital gains taxes. This makes it difficult to gain adoption, when compared to Monero. We've highlighted this with:


Search engines can be very biased

But is the answer really just a different person running the service?

Who decides what's true? I say: let the individual decide.

Learn how YaCy's search engine, not only isn't tied to one location, but lets the end-user filter reality:


Cloudflare does surveillance on the bulk of the internet and breaks SSL encryption to snoop on your passwords.

Learn how Arweave's new CDN replaces Cloudflare websites:


Anti-Free Speech Agenda:

1. Farcaster's Warpcast now requires coins/tokens to enter each community.

2. Force people to use KYC exchanges to get these tokens

3. Farcaster doesn't pay the hubs to store the data, so not only can the devs leech all the money, but there's no incentive to resist a takedown


4. The empire can track who is speaking on "censorship resistant" platforms and cancel them tech-wise or in-real-life.

5. And if the ETH devs resist, they risk having their coins delisted from KYC exchanges. This forces compliance

Both the left & right support digital IDs

It's critical to the UN tyranny agenda, that the CBDC is linked to some form of digital ID

Donald Trump markets this as "input output biometric ID", to stop illegal immigration. He used to be for a physical wall, but now it's facial recognition, backed by Palantir AI with Peter Thiel giving him money.

The left markets this as "vaccine passports", to save lives from horrible infectious disease. And to distribute "universal basic income".

It doesn't matter what form this ID comes in, please my brother and friend, resist it with everything you got.

They will promise you money.

They will promise you access to something.

They will promise to solve immigration.

But the only thing it will solve, is their current problem of free speech.
Microsoft Tyranny Agenda:

1) Create a culture where you're discriminated against employment unless you have a Linked-In

2) Force you to verify your real details on Linked-In.

3) By agreeing to be on Linked-In, you agree to train AI on your data, and monitor the web of all human interaction

4) Allow radical woke socialists to view your real job details, so they can cancel and control you. This purges "freedom speech" from positions of power.

5) Pressure you take drugs (labeling it a vaccine), to keep the job.

The end goal is to crush freedom, by forcing anyone who isn't self-employed to be cancellable. And by controlling everyone's visible on the platform, they control the flow of funds.

The answer is clear: Start business, accept cryptocurrency, and communicate through means you control.

XMRBazaar, BitcoinTalk, MoneroMarket(io), MoneroTown, Monerica, Nostr, Bastyon, Farcaster for tech work


CakeWallet, CoinCards, Bitrefill, MoonPay

The issue with credit cards is:

--Full surveillance

--You own nothing, government is your master

--Banks urinate on you with inflation

--FDIC is worthless in an interest rate financial crisis, look at what happened when the Fed jacked last round. Cali banks went bust.

--World Bank and IMF trap the third world in perpetual debt. And you're enabling this slavery by placing value on the promises of the oppressor

The issue with cash is:

--You're carrying a large amount of paper

--Easy to lose it

--Easy to get robbed

--Harder to track & control your spending

--Still inflation urinates on you, and you get 0 interest.
Hi /degen

I'm a real person

We focus on open source technology, protocols, Linux, and privacy techniques. Buck the trend, learn something

Google is Totalitarian.

The police dragged Google’s internal employees out of the building in handcuffs, just to get them to stop protesting.

As we’ll get to in a moment, that’s just the visible physical world, the real censorship you never hear about is digital.

This article directly benefits you, because you need persuasive examples to convince your friends, co-workers, or family to stop using Gmail or docs. It takes two to tango.

In this juicy article, we’ll cover:

a) Election Manipulation

b) Surveillance and Substitution to “Program the population”

c) Removal of Dictionary Translation Words for politics

d) Blocking the keywords “cure cancer”

e) Suppression of small businesses, even unrelated to politics

f) Firing and arresting their own employees



SimpleX is under attack by the magazine Wired,

But what surprises me is the reaction of the developer Evgeny Poberezkin,


How I used to think:

The government, Big Tech, and the Banks have absolute power over all aspects of our lives. Humanity is screwed.

How I think now:

The world is constantly changing, as nobody is objectively in-charge of people's thoughts. And it's only people's cultural views that give these groups power. They can't do violence to everyone. So their printed money and their SEO is only as good as they can persuade the mob to use it.
These political activists on Twitter and Reddit mouth off,

But if people were using PGP arbitration & cryptocurrency, Farcaster/Nostr, Arweave websites, YaCy search engines, Self-hosted emails & docs, and XMPP/SimpleX/Session, then:

What does it matter whose in charge? Governments would have no way to control the population. The printing money would be meaningless.

Given this technology already exists,


The main obstacle is cultural.


If you refuse to use freedom technology, or even worse try to haze it, you aid the oppressor in the war for our minds. I can not encourage you enough to learn about this stuff from my website or trying it out.
Being pro-privacy, means being anti-war,

As war is the justification for invading your privacy..

And if,

War is defined as the state engaged in violence,


It not logical for you support Israel blowing up Lebanese civilians' pagers... As you'd be literally saying: "The government shouldn't tap phones, but they can blow them up"
Timeshift for Linux has saved my ass 100 times

This is a backup tool using rsync, where you can "go back in time" to the previous version of your software. (like before an upgrade or change)

It doesn't directly touch the user files, like say a text file. But if your software gets rolled back, it might affect files that software uses (like a messenger)

There's both GUI and CLI (you can use CLI if you get locked out of the graphical desktop bootup). So then you'd select "Recovery Mode" in GRUB bootup, and then using that command line interface do a timeshift backup restore. Ask me questions on it! I want to help you
FarQuest saves the user as a cookie


Horrible dev choice. how does that protect me from impersonation?

Basically if you sign-in to Farcaster once, FarQuest forever owns your voice?

Even worse, any random hacker running code in the browser can check for my FarQuest cookie.

While as on Nostr or Bastyon, you sign every time with the client.
Epic Games sues Google & Samsung for blocking it's new store

Epic Games makes the fun Fortnite game. Samsung made the physical phone. While, Google made the Play Store to leech huge fees, like 20%

Originally Epic sued Google, and Epic WON for their Monopoly of the Play store and ridiculous fees. So Epic made their own "store" to distribute games. [1]

Despite the court ruling against them, corrupt Google and Samsung automatically block the Epic Games app, unless the user is smart enough to figure out how to turn it on in the settings. [2]

Google's propaganda team spews dribble about this being for security purposes, but as we reported earlier, the Play store has such rampant malware, that Google had to abandon it's security bounties because it couldn't afford to keep up. [3]

Now Epic games AGAIN is taking Google and Samsung to court to sue them over blocking their new store.
Do you struggle to convince normies to use Farcaster ?

You try to explain that it’s censorship resistant, but they are so brainwashed that they think anything being censored must be fake news. Well guess what, now even criticism of the right is being censored!

Hackers got new documents on the Trump campaign. And in there is controversial material on JD Vance. Now Meta is blocking all links to the documents. While you can point out to your friends that when Wikileaks had dirt on Hillary Clinton it was allowed to stay up.

Tell your friends that you want to send the link, but you can’t. And if they care about the “fabric of their democracy”, they have to join Farcaster:



Meme Contest! Submit your reaction to this story:

Meta fined more than $100 million for storing passwords in plaintext.

The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) announced the fine against Meta’s EU branch, saying the company “failed to notify”. the DPC that it “inadvertently” stored user passwords without encryption in 2019.

Facebook stored hundreds of millions of passwords in plain text:



Warning: Critical Linux Vulnerability !!!!!

Remote code execution, unless you're behind a firewall.

Key Points:

A critical, unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in GNU/Linux systems, rated 9.9, is about to be disclosed. [2]

The flaw has been known for over a decade but was disclosed to developers only three weeks ago by bug hunter Simone Margaritelli.

Margaritelli's upcoming write-up will include a proof-of-concept exploit and technical details.

While the bug has no CVE assigned yet, it is expected to need at least three and ideally six CVEs.

Canonical and RedHat have confirmed the severity of the issue, but there's no fix yet.


[1] https://www.evilsocket.net/2024/09/26/Attacking-UNIX-systems-via-CUPS-Part-I/

[2] https://thenimblenerd.com/article/9-9-rated-linux-flaw-the-doomsday-bug-that-makes-heartbleed-look-like-a-paper-cut/

