
@tervo #5034

lazy benevolent chairman of the /replyguys
24237 Follower 1613 Following
big fan of this definition of 'spam' and think it is still very relevant to replyguys
power user badge had its issues but atm its terribly difficult to sort through channel invite requests with any kind of speed *and* any kind of diligence. options right now are basically choose one or the other
its so hard to tell bots from real people. the internet is gonna be crazy in few years
pls use frame below to request invite and we'll get to it
cheerio mates, out of office today so ping a mod if u need invite or sumn, enjoy ze saturday
~75% of people dm’ing to ask for invite to /replyguys are already a member. some ppl said they had to update version. but humans are silly. and pre-included members caught a pretty good net
the fun part about this is how easy it is for me to boot chatgpt bots so if you get booted and youre a real person sorry but you were posting like a bot. ill invite you back if that happens but dont post like a bot and it wont happen
gonna leave this up for a few days or so, may pull down if it seems to be inundated with bot requests or anything but hopefully makes life ez

many thanks to everyone who keeping replyguys aliving and pitching in, that is the ethos as always
love chaos. fun times. got @bitfloorsghost.eth @eriks @darkoh.eth @gokhan.eth joining mod team for now. ping below if you need an invite to talk and one of us will shoot over. if that gets overwhelming ill post a join link for a few hours and hope nobody bots it. bless
im excited for the chaos this channel switch is gonna cause. gotta love chaos
sometimes twitter does something like when you open the app and you’re reading a tweet and then the page just REFRESHES FOR NO REASKN AND ITS GONE and im like damn yea we gotta get out of this hellhole man
soliciting responses from everybody but please, please, only respond if it’s good
so how was everyone’s day today mine was pretty good
are there any examples of farcaster-native apps or protocols that have managed to substantially expand their user base outside of farcaster eco?
i gotta try out zora and rodeo i been slacking
so who wants to be a moderator should we hold a vote or maybe do like one of those crowd noise competitions where we say a name and measure the decibels
got new iphone today. it has nice edges. comfy on the hands
oh my god it’s gonna take so many random ass casts to get back into the algo’s favor where is dwr i need dopamine
it seems im in need of an actual tldr

channel settings changing? fan token sumn sumn? what’s the word, birds
i been writing some stuff that im real excited to share again. feels good
hello friends lazy tervo here

i am in search of pumpfun competitors that are active on base, plz shill me any and all past efforts

hope everybody doing well, need to get back into things over here