TFM 🎥🌲

@tfm #14112

Here for art ~ ¼ of @noyore {pacificstories.xyz}
152 Follower 91 Following
It took us years to get here
Now we unravel it backwards
With no fear, to get where we were going
All of these these years
Strong wc purple with this one
Sometimes waiting for BART can be peaceful

2015 - f[r]ee Zora mint
F[r]ee mint - a few will get upcoming Front Row hypersub airdropped when /filmatree Reviews game launches

Only 43 left & #1 out 17 in the series
This would be a wild remake with a $100M dollar budget
Nothing better than the golden hour over water
Just dropped the second photo /11 in from our NoYore hypersub to @nonlinear - just getting warmed up.

I'm dropping nearly 100 pieces this year, but only these will be available via our hypersub

I often think about how film photography use to mean measured shooting, but more importantly measured thought.

I'm no developer - but I wonder how hard it would be to make a frame that would allow you to take only 1 shot / day to post.

Would we get better raw shots?
I'm back - been busy taking, editing & coloring a bunch shots - new and old that I'll be posting to the best channel on WC

Some will be up for auction, some free mints, some apart of a game with @filmatree - only 10 will come via our hypersub via @fabric

'Slow' dropped last week - next one coming soon

First experience using a 3D space to set up a gallery. Easier then painting, measuring, nailing and hanging in a real one... still not quite the feel but like that anyone can visit & we can unveil slowly

All my photographs will be a part of the upcoming pre pregame to see what a @filmatree is all about... or you could skip the pregame and grab a hypersub that @tcw and I have put together. 11 of my favorite shots will be yours

🫡congrats @usersteen.eth on becoming this channel’s lead.

Have anything in store for us?
Trying to try less

Since I produce the best art when I’m chill

But it’s a constant battle
Always posting Bay Area stuff in SF.
Time to switch it up
Announcement coming next week. @tcw and I have been hard at work getting our transparent vision in order for our collective (+ @tcm & @tfd)

To celebrate, I’ll be giving away many of the photos you’ve seen here for people to grab as 4/4s. All will unlock something else

See you next week

Behind Union Square - A random Tuesday
Electronic remix of Ry X’s latest album. Last song currently stuck on repeat
