Trap Daddy

@trap-papa #427673

/base /onchainsummer /food
1158 Follower 136 Following
Gamification is a very underestimated tool for achieving your goals

I would even say one of the most underrated
Statistics of daily transactions in base on defilama

Why is there a gap on this day rgs?
Let's have a Sunday my replyGs!
I like that optimism technologies are used by many teams

But someone can answer me one question: why so much l2s?
Сhoosing $maxi is okay

Choosing $maxi instead of $moxie is a mistake
I did the optimism quests 2 years ago, but I didn't continue to stay loyal to optimism, choosing base instead

apparently that was my mistake, so I'm not eligible for airdrop 5 😪
The best way to make money here is to stay true to your choices.

If you are constantly darting from one project to another, if you are not really useful but expect to be rewarded, you are naive
Sunday is a day of rest for most

but I wish you to live in such a way that you can arrange a day of rest for yourself - every day
somebody give me the number of the base designers, I'd...

these guys do some pretty fucking cool & based design
'superchain' idiot name

There's base, there's optimism and there's everything else.

There's no need to combine
I don't care if there's an airdrop or a token launch.

I don't care if I make money here.

I just like /base. The best network
I finally got around to playing Spider-Man 2.

I’ve always wanted to play it, but I ended up with the awful PC version back in 2004. It’s not amazing - lots of repetition and some clunky mechanics - but I still had a great time with it. :) No nostalgia attached since I didn’t play it back then, but it definitely made me happy!
It’s pretty wild to see AAA game prices rising across the board while indie devs are pressured to lower theirs. It’s almost like the industry is squeezing out anyone who won’t conform
5 things people should tell indie devs but won’t:

1. You’re not the next breakout star
2. You don’t have the discipline to complete a game
3. Going solo isn’t worth suffering through bad art
4. Nobody cares yet - you need to make them care
5. Two years is too long to spend making a game
> I scroll down the feed and click on a post to leave a reply
> I leave a reply and want to go back to the feed
> I'm at the top of the feed

I've never understood people like that
It's fall, which means the big guys are coming back from vacation and getting back to work

I think we're bound to see a lot of interesting things this fall. I wish growth for the market, growth for your deposit, growth for your subscribers and stay based 💙
based daddy's back in da game
mass adoption of the base has never been as close as it is now
best logo among all L2s
this year is a based year
why are transactions in base so expensive today?