shannon // watchensee

@watchensee #237979

marketer + poet • editorial @ theVERSEverse • prev. Async Art • she/her
142 Follower 92 Following
shower thought: mints = the better dopamine hit bc at least you have something to show for it
Poetry // Pain

Sometimes I wish my poetry
Did not extend from my pain
That I wouldn’t have to bleed
To fill the inkwell
That my raw and unyielding words
Would merely appear
That these words
Wouldn’t cause me to shudder
But then who would I be
Without my poetry?
And so I will continue to write
Fellow poets and poetry lovers:

I’m kicking off “conVERSEverse”, theVERSEverse’s newsletter in the coming weeks; join us and subscribe😇

More info on this thread: https://twitter.com/theVERSEverse/status/1755629862608421353
came for the frames, stayed for the vibes
whoops, just realized I haven't casted yet. hello, world 🌎