Concept Testing


A sufficiently decentralized incubator

New CozyCast! update give it a try
As a user how do you envision these filters to work? Help improve Cozycast. built by @vidhatha @deveshb15

NFT Filter: Would you all find it helpful to have a filter for specific NFT collections? If so, how would you envision it working? Should we list specific collections for users to choose from, or is there another way you'd prefer to filter NFTs?

Casts Tabs: We're considering adding tabs to differentiate between casts from everyone you follow vs. all casts. Would you prefer to have dedicated tabs for these, or would you rather see this functionality included within the filter modal?

cc @ghostlinkz.eth :) the filter king
CozyCast Update: We paid out half of the bounty for the current progress. Huge thanks to @deveshb15 and @vidhatha who are the real heros making it all come together by code wizardry

Also in case you haven't guessed. Yes this originates from /fbi Dharamsala. Stop fading /fbi come to Goa

CozyCast Update.

Onboarding flow explaining how to use it.

I‘ll show you a feed of only FID below 25000 (pre permissionless vibes) without /degen and /replyguys

That feed is so good wowow 💜

And reverse chronological 👀

Sign in with Neynar, and control your Feed. If you backed the crowd fund ;)
If you used Cozycast please give Feedback in the groupchat!
Things I learned from working with @vidhatha

1) @woj.eth is a celebrity (I knew he looked good from Farcon, but didn't know how far the status goes)

2) Developers enjoy having users excited about what they build

Though it's hard to get the developers initially. notes in attachment
@markfishman 👀 idea is coming to live enabled by backers through @fabric crowdfunds and @bountycaster for management

@vidhatha @deveshb15 writing the source 👀

TestFlight coming to a backers group near you soon! Waiting on Apple review. DM email if you want direct access and are a backer
CozyCast Update

- working closely with @vidhatha and @qimchi to ship

- first demo pictures shared with beta testers (contributors)

- looking forward to a live PoC to be tested and feedback to be provided
/concept-testing was designed to be an experiment where products are funded, built, and used by the community

Turns out it’s probably more effective to build the products yourself (as much as we love @bountycaster)
Just as the new channel framework will offer “max composability”for moderation, we hope that Cozycast will offer ideal composability for feeds

Create your own feeds based on channels, following status, wallet contents, and more!
With /farhack and the /fbi hackathon approaching soon, I wanted to share some ideas that I'd love to see get built.

One or more of the ideas may seem familiar 🥲
The bounty for Cozycast is live! Check out the spec in our most recent post
If you contributed to the Cozycast crowdfund or minted a Paragraph post from /concept-testing, you can beta test the Cozycast MVP!

We airdropped you an NFT that should let you join this group chat 😃
Still amazed that 73 incredible people want to make cozy feeds and channel muting a reality.

Working with @markfishman to define the bounty for any dev to pick up.

Devs you have users from day 1 that provide feedback! and tech support from me!

Absolutely ecstatic about how our first /concept-testing crowdfund went

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Cozycast campaign – more updates soon!

Next step: putting funds into a bounty to get Cozycast built 🚀
AMA about /concept-testing & Cozycast!

I realize the project(s) may be confusing and I want to learn where awareness / communication needs to improve

Will do some additional writing on the most popular questions
Just over 48 hours left to contribute to the Cozycast crowdfund!

All backers will receive early access for beta testing before code is open-sourced

Help bring custom feeds to alternative Farcaster clients
We already hit our funding target for Cozycast(!), so why contribute?

- Opportunity to beta test before the code is open-source and free to use
- Help validate the idea & attract the best developers
It's time to (fund to) build!

We're launching a @fabric crowdfund for Cozycast today as our first project for /concept-testing
Open for one week – we're hoping to raise at least $2000 to have a competitive bounty
I’m as happy as anyone about the Warpcast feed improvements

But if we want alternative clients to be feasible, we need tools for builders to *also* achieve feed quality

If you’re interested in that goal, check out the pinned casts in /concept-testing
I think this is a really great articulation of the problem

Looking forward to seeing how Warpcast approaches it!
@forage seems like a cool way to celebrate everyone who participates in a Concept Testing project 👏

In our current model, we’ll have:
- Contributors (early working group that shapes an idea)
- Funders (crowdfund/bounty supporters)
- Builders (whoever actually develops the project)