
@samuellhuber.eth #16085

Developer 🤓 build, develop and operate Farcaster solutions @ dtech.vision also love tech, decentralization, fitness and oldschool rap 😎
14275 Follower 555 Following
When designing an API "string" is not a good data type, please stop using it or show a regex for the string in the description or wherever.

NO I don't think me giving you a date and not knowing how the string should be formatted and having to go through 30min of trial and error and 3 feedback loops is a good way to spend my time. Thank you
Anyone using remix with Farcaster Auth Kit and got it to work?

I have a sign in button, but isAuthenticated doesn't update on the useProfile() hook

generally seems like remix has less good auth options then nextjs since next-auth credentials provider isn't there. better-auth doesn't seem to have credentials provider and authjs (formerly next-auth) is not available for remix besides building it myself via auth/core

so manually manipulation session seems to be the best way?
Some history on mini apps, apps within apps

From the Facebook and MySpace days

FC is now here but with way less DAU.

Take this for what you want.

Source: https://venturebeat.com/business/q-and-a-with-max-levchin-slide-more-than-a-widget-maker/
What is the lowest hanging fruit someone should build, but you haven't seen built yet?

Would love to see the one line pitch + why it's so badly needed in your eyes.
Bonus points for pointers on how to get started building

Recording answers as <1 min videos.

have fun.
Big fan of the updated supercast composer user interface looks sleek
A common mistake I see teams make is getting every grant and, therefore, deploying to every ecosystem without spending time on a unified experience that makes the user not notice. This way, their already nonexistent liquidity is stretched even thinner.

Long term this is not going to work. and it's obvious
Don't confuse this with Farcaster is irrelevant to drive business results!

Happy to walk you through Farcater for your business. Comment below and I'll help you
Would love for state to be in the Frames State property instead of URL parameters in Frog

(yes not a member in /frogfm, so can't post there and no way to apply to be a member from cast composer)

Reminder that UTC (GMT) is the best timezone and Q of course is timezone aware 💜 love the update time being on there! thanks cassie
What are the biggest challenges you are facing currently? Which have you solved? (technical and non technical) /devfc
Sadly many think Kubernetes isn’t simple, but managing

10 VPS standalone without the great monitoring and retries, deployment logic etc K8s brings with minimal config via a Prometheus Stack

Isn’t easier imo
Due to lack of innovation, freedom in markets (over regulation) and other factors people seem to fade Europe

But why do they hype the US? Why not Asia?

US is gentrifying and turning more and more into South America with large gov deficits and personal security issues depending on neighborhood though it as of 2024 is still a very good place to be if your in the right part of it for outsized returns

But why is no one here discussing Asia ?

Who can I follow and what can I read or watch to keep up with Asia?

Where shall I travel?
Was asked what /devfc members look for and do.

Looking for: a dev focused chat that is purely that and not overly active. A cozy hyper focused corner

Building: all kinds of Farcaster related or non related businesses as founder or engineer


Sounds like you? Join us https://www.hypersub.xyz/s/devfc/2

the channel /devfc is the public forum of the hypersub group. Use it as your public forum.
Anyone debugged "Error: Request Entity Too Large FUNCTION_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE"

in Remix or Vite.js before?

not sure how to properly accept > 3MB file uploads. using

<Form method="post" encType="multipart/form-data"
<input type="file" id="image" name="image" accept="image/*" required />

and then on the action (POST) handle it using @mjackson/form-data-parser
but when calling that endpoint with either the default formData Handler or form-data-parser running into the request entity too large error for anything >= 3MB
Framework for building, orchestrating and deploying multi-agent systems. Managed by OpenAI Solutions team. Experimental framework

What’s the TLDR on using it? What capabilities does it enable?

Today I learned LA has dog parks for dog owners.

Human social connection searching on a new level.

When do we have laptop parks for laptop owners to socialise? Asking for some nerd friend of mine (not me obviously)
Farcaster Workshop.

Why does Open Data matter? and how to build hyperpersonalized E-Commerce on Farcaster!

Includes Code Samples + a full keynote

No deadline means a dead line …

- that’s relationships (set dates)
- that’s projects
- that’s literally anything

Without time as forcing function 99% of cases no force is applied

And btw time is universal so it always runs 👍
I have Twitter installed and would love to use the app and not have to fiddle around with my credentials on Warpcast in app browser if that’s possible
Which Frames framework provides a visual overview of how the frames call each other and lets you explore that?

Imagine you interchain multiple frames (e.g. one step after the other) and see a visual excalidraw style representation of these and when hovering over buttons see which parameters (state, query params) are passed between at which fields will be filled at which (e.g. transaction.id if previous is a 'tx' action)

that would make large complex frame building way way easier since one then doesn't juggle the frames or redraw the diagrams manually all the time.

I'd start written code -> diagrams, but can see it also be diagrams -> frame scaffolding later similar to what /frametown does for full frames from figma