

You're either old or you're early to being old. We are all going to end up here anyway, may as well join now.

Everyone is invited to /old. We are all going to get there anyway.
Who lost their marbles😆??

These marbles are more than 30 years old.
At what age did this or similar thought come to u : "I'm getting older. I'm not that young anymore"?😬😃
Four or five years ago, all the big newspapers and media outlets seemed to be constantly running stories about how millennials were totally doomed, finance-wise. And, to be honest, it was hard to argue otherwise. The typical millennial (born between 1980 and 1996) entered the workforce during or immediately after the Great Recession. Then once they’d gotten on their feet and the economy started gaining steam, boom: a pandemic, mass layoffs, inflation, a housing crisis — a turducken of economic woes. So it made perfect sense that millennials would be less well-off than their boomer parents (born 1946–64). As for Gen X (born 1965–79), they were generally thought to fall somewhere between the two: not as doomed as millennials, not as effortlessly prosperous as boomers

But, after some pandemic-era wage gains, are millennials, who compose the largest portion of the population, still woefully behind older generations? Or are they actually doing OK relative to Gen Xers and boomers?

What do u think /old
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. — Henry Ford
I'm too /old to catch up with the recent channel change...
Hey y'all, everyone is invited. Easier to boot the bad later than to invite each of the good one by one.

I'm showing my age when the highlight of the week is when a new washer and dryer gets delivered today. And yes, I'll read the manual and point out to my wife interesting features on the appliances, while she rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
Hey /old friends! Channel changes coming today, but we won't be keeping people out. In fact, please invite more people in! If we get bots, we'll soon stop 'em at the door.

In the meantime, think about what might be a good token for olds to hold for proof of membership in /old. 🤔
You are never too /old to reinvent yourself.– Steve Harvey
Wowow, Lancia Fulvia 😍
The /old er you get, the more you realize that you are not what you have done, but what you have overcome.
If you remember Winamp, I have bad news about your age
/old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young. – Fred Astaire
My boys were exploring in the woods and found this VHS tape and asked what it was. I tried to explain movies used to play on these. Made me feel /old also wtf is this doing in the woods lmao
We're not /old . We're 18... with a few decades of experience!
Oh, man, did I take the melatonin? I don't remember and it would've only been a couple minutes ago. I don't want to double dose. 👵
Seems appropriate due to the recent violence in @kevinoconnell 's group chat.
We’re not getting /old er, we’re just becoming classic models.
You are never too /old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.— C.S. Lewis
We’re not getting /old er, we’re just becoming classic.