⊆ subset


: a new way to save, share and search | this channel: drop things related to how we save, share and search | default stance: “hmmm, interesting” over “yah, agree” unless stated

The new non-fiction author stack.

- Content: single price for multi format access (ebook, dead tree, audio)
- Context: contextualising LLM plus connection to tools like Connected Papers
- Community: some combo of forum, live/multiplayer sync, and feed interactivity
"What I like about multiplayer cursors, cursor chat, and shared highlighting is that it’s like the opposite of a feature…

It’s not differentiation. It wouldn’t dilute me if you did it too. (But it shouldn’t be a browser feature, it’s part of the site, it’s me designing the vibe for this particular place.)

It doesn’t stand out. If there’s nobody else on this site you wouldn’t even notice.

It should be everywhere. It’s how the web should be."
A Dynamicland proposal for a communal science lab—as opposed to an explicitly computational one—that prioritises the embedding of visibility, agency, physical reality and in-person collaboration into the practice of science.
"We're excited too, because this new paradigm is not limited to video games. It has more mundane applications: it opens up entirely new search spaces. Those which are a feature of both antiquity and science fiction. It hints at generative memory palaces. Interactive representations of saved things that can be inhabited by end users. To get a feel for this speculative possibility, let's examine its constituent elements..."
An op-ed about the not-so-graceful degradation of the Spotify experience, and how its insistent algorithmic, homogenised curation led one user to seek an alternative.
A blog from Kagi—a newer search engine provider—that examines the structure and influence of Google, reviews the outcomes of the recent US antitrust case, and proposes opening Google's search index as an "Essential Facility" to foster competition and innovation in the search market.
"Quite accidentally, we've stumbled upon three distinct sub-modes that people move between as curators, as part of the longer pace layer undulations between consuming, curating and creating. Curators tend to:

1) Act selfishly
2) Invoke others
3) Construct systems..."

Shoutout to @brunnicorsato, @riotgoools, @sonyasupposedly and @sjlver for the discourse that informed this one 🙏 🙌
A paper that proposes the combination of large language models (LLMs) with logic programming (specifically Prolog) to enhance their deductive reasoning capabilities. The method prompts LLMs to extract information from problem statements and encode it as logical code statements, which are then processed by Prolog to perform explicit deductive reasoning.
"...the surprises are the catalyst for much down stream media and community discourse. Without these moments, we have nothing interesting to talk about."
A podcast about the subtle challenges of building for mass virality and adoption in the consumer app space.

How to consistently go viral: Nikita Bier’s playbook for winning at consumer apps (co-founder of TBH, Gas, advisor, investor)
"They distribute digests of the things that have interested them; they assemble Dunbar goods for the benefit of small groups; they save succinct references to the things they've found and share them with people they know will be interested in them. The perceptions and actions of curators are designed to perturb their surrounding environment and elicit surprise, again and again, and across every domain. They introduce sources of novelty and divergence and interact in ways that catalyse new relationships and insight.

That is the fundamental character of a curator; they choose to maximise surprise."
Curation > playful manipulation that builds cultural intuition 🤔
'These people whom we're building Subset for roam the labyrinthian corridors of the web, following their many interests to many different places. Along the way—again and again in the midst of their wandering—they will make connections between this thing and that person and attempt to form a bridge between the two.

Subset is for those bridge builders who see things and think of people. Its essence is the simple explanation given when something saved is shared with someone who'll care: "I saw this and thought of you."'
A study that found that using paper notebooks to record schedules led to better memory and increased brain activity during recall compared to using a smartphone or tablet.