Patrick Atwater

@patwater #4667

(paɪəˈnɪərɪŋ ˈspɪrɪt) a willingness to endure hardship in order to explore new places or try out new the new PioneeringSpirit.xyz bit.ly/patwater
219 Follower 42 Following
“It is the business of the very few to be independent; it is a privilege of the strong. And whoever attempts it, even with the best right, but without being OBLIGED to do so, proves that he is probably not only strong, but also daring beyond measure. He enters into a labyrinth, he multiplies a thousandfold the dangers which life in itself already brings with it; not the least of which is that no one can see how and where he loses his way, becomes isolated, and is torn piecemeal by some minotaur of conscience. Supposing such a one comes to grief, it is so far from the comprehension of men that they neither feel it, nor sympathize with it. And he cannot any longer go back! He cannot even go back again to the sympathy of men!”
LA is sort of funny in that I’ll have friends be like hey I’m in town and then what that means practically is it halfway across SoCal and a 2 Hour Dr. in traffic
Very cool to see! "...announce the inaugural cohort of ventures for the Builders Lab, an accelerator program created to work with innovators in architecture, engineering, construction and hardware to scale efficient, cost-effective and sustainable methods of housing delivery across the U.S.

Founders in these industries face a complex regulatory landscape along with unique challenges in securing product-market fit and financing. Meanwhile, the housing crisis continues to intensify, and our increasing awareness of climate impacts makes innovation more important than ever."

Anyone have a better integration between an LLM like Claude and Anki style space repetition, flashcards

Kinda lazily looking for something easier than copy paste
Near doom

Wordle 1,208 6/6

debt doooooooooooooooooooooooooooom
The Economist asking this question... is not unbiased
There is no gloom boom


Disaster is rarely as pervasive as it seems from recorded accounts. The fact of being on the record makes it appear continuous and ubiquitous whereas it is more likely to have been sporadic both in time and place. Besides, persistence of the normal is usually greater than the effect of the disturbance, as we know from our own times. After absorbing the news of today, one expects to face a world consisting entirely of strikes, crimes, power failures, broken water mains, stalled trains, school shutdowns, muggers, drug addicts, neo-Nazis, and rapists. The fact is that one can come home in the evening—on a lucky day—without having encountered more than one or two of these phenomena. This has led me to formulate Tuchman's Law, as follows: "The fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold" (or any figure the reader would care to supply
Man the death of the pac ten still just gets to me
This stuff is good!

"Here are ten examples of urban data collaboratives similar to the California Data Collaborative, with a focus on those with climate impact:

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group: A network of nearly 100 major cities worldwide sharing data and best practices to address climate change.
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: A coalition of over 10,000 cities and local governments sharing data on climate action plans and emissions.
CDP Cities Program: A platform where cities disclose environmental data, allowing for standardized reporting and comparison of climate action.
Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN): A consortium of researchers and institutions sharing data and knowledge on climate change adaptation in cities.
European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT: A partnership between the European Commission and European Environment Agency, sharing data and tools for urban climate adaptation.
I fell down an NSF smart cities rabbit hole and wow I have to say... lotta words, lotta words

"The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorates for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Education and Human Resources (EHR), Engineering (ENG), Geosciences (GEO), and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) wish to notify the community of their intention to support, foster, and accelerate fundamental research that addresses challenges in enabling Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC)." https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15120/nsf15120.jsp
“Moses-style efforts should be applied, too, to the construction of high-speed rail, wind farms, new transmission lines and the infrastructure needed to prepare the nation for climate change.

Too much has been foisted upon private entities who must seek profit as they provide for the public. The United States of the 21st century is in desperate need of new power brokers.”

When is getting wordl in two not luck? 🤔

Wordle 1,197 2/6

So cool! Something about robots assembling solar farms really just tickles me. If the robots end up being powered by said solar the factorio vibe will really just go off the charts https://www.fastcompany.com/91108331/these-solar-assembling-robotic-arms-could-solve-one-of-the-industrys-biggest-problems
How do you move mountains? One rock at a time :P really proud of our crew here. Took a very coordinated effort. This boulder was nigh bigger than the bobcat!
Wordle 1,196 3/6


The pattern is particularly funny, given the answer
Man the older I get the more I appreciate Feynman. What an absolute beast.
Wordl in 3, connections in 4

What a day!