
For sharing interesting thing you learned recently!

TIL - Downtown Detroit has 24/7 guards dedicated to public safety

Saw a night guard in downtown Detroit and asked what time his shift ends and he said his shift ends at 6 PM but they have somebody on patrol 24/7

Inner Harbor has guards out until 9 PM so I thought it’d be around the same but I guess it’s more dangerous here
TIL How holograms work

I kind of got the math in the uni, but this video is on another level of intuition.


Today I learned that Adrienne’s definition of “completionist” is way different than mine.

Hers: finish todo list
Mine: collect all the things once you get started

For me, NFT’s, albums, side projects

@gmfarcaster @nounishprof
TIL hippo means horse in greek
today I learned that the voyager space probes are powered by plutonium disks that naturally emit electricity
TIL There was no Silk Road. It was a made up story by some German.

TIL: wombats twerk predators to death with their super strong butts
TIL that 8 countries in west Africa all share one central bank
TIL Camels like beer
TIL that certain sea urchins naturally put shells, rocks, or even tiny hats on their heads! This behavior serves as protection and camouflage, helping them blend into their environment and avoid predators. In some aquariums, people have even given them little hats to wear, and the urchins happily pick them up, just like they would with natural objects.

This could’ve been a great degen meme
TIL: frequency of memorable events is connected to how fast time feels to be going to us
TIL about Cunningham’s Law, which states that when something can go wrong, it will
Where there's a will there's a way. In an attempt to curb publisher's from flooding the NES with sub par games, Nintendo implemented restrictions by capping the amount of games a publisher could release for the console per year at 10 titles.
Konami got around this by starting a shell company, splitting their output and distributing titles between the two, effectively bypassing Nintendo's restriction.
The consensus was that since Konami was a quality publisher at the time, Nintendo turned the other cheek
TIL How files were made back in day (without other file)


A necessary tool for all kind of other tool making.
TIL: farcaster could work even in countries that block it on their internet
TIL - here’s the evolution of the alphabet in this helpful infographic! Had fun tracing back the letters for different names
TIL: naked mole rats are moving their teeth around
what a unique ability!
TIL about Slice a decentralized Shopify alternative