Karo K
@serendipity #16567
/serendipity | Founder of /fcny | Building a personalized health app powered by AI
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Guys, I just learned it’s either “goes hard” or “slaps”…
I’ve been out here saying “slaps hard” like a fool.
I’ve been out here saying “slaps hard” like a fool.
Just reminding you all that minoxidil is really toxic to dogs and cats so be careful
I need 6 bedrooms so I don’t have to deal with _________.
Nothing makes me more grateful for loud gym music than when my back makes *deafening* cracks not from exercise but from laying on the floor to *start* an exercise
Hobbit core
Doing my part by reporting flickering lights that could trigger seizures for people with light sensitivity. Small actions can make a big difference!
Casting this with a sleeping baby in my arms
Oops, locked eyes with someone mid-conversation with the birds… didn’t mean to be perceived 😅
It really shouldn’t take unpacking multiple generations of trauma just to do some spring cleaning… but what can I say, I’m a sentimental gal.
Currently mourning a pair of shorts that four generations of women in my family have worn—shorts that have traveled with just me to eight countries, carried both sickness and healing, and held so many memories. Wish I could turn them into a craft project to preserve it all, but some things just have to be let go.
Currently mourning a pair of shorts that four generations of women in my family have worn—shorts that have traveled with just me to eight countries, carried both sickness and healing, and held so many memories. Wish I could turn them into a craft project to preserve it all, but some things just have to be let go.
Smelled one of my signature scents from the past and whipped my head around - only to find a total fashionista. Bien sûr 🕶️✨
Somebody give me the tldr on why I got a notification about $horse - is this @horsefacts.eth ‘s launch
Not sure if it’s the season or what, but I’ve had a drink thrown at me, someone tried to steal from my purse, I was stalked on the subway, and I burned my thumb—all in a very short span of time!
To be honest, I don’t buy a lot of clothes in general. I’ll pick up a few staple pieces here and there, and I love finding unique natural fabric prints, but my summer wardrobe has always felt adequate enough. Most of what I own ranges from clothes I’ve had since 6th grade to pants that are 30+ years old. As I clean out my closet, I’m determined to downsize and focus on natural, non-chemically treated fabrics that offer UPF protection. This, along with wanting to do my own alterations, is a big reason I want to learn how to make my own clothes!! Glove making is a lost art form and I want to make my own gloves too!
I burned my thumb and wrist pretty badly last night bc I was trying to film my baking but my kitchen is too small 🚩
Just saw a genius hiking snack hack - GUAC IN A PIPING BAG?!?!
I’m actually so excited for Printemps NYC debut
Wow just learned about bulletproof curtains
Strapped in, ready for adventure, and serving looks with her hat on… (then immediately fell asleep in the carrier while I shopped) 🥹 One of the best parts of teaching her to enjoy the outside—shopping while cuddling a softly snoring cat. True catwalk energy!
Progress, even with an inconsistent gym routine - hit 67.5 lbs on hip abduction today!
I know I’m predictable because the moment I saw the Tatcha lip mask keychain, I immediately looked it up to buy—only to be absolutely devastated that I can’t find it for sale.
I have a love-hate relationship with Citizen. I hate the notifications about pedophiles moving in (seriously, I was shocked at how many live in even affluent NYC areas), but I love the ones like “Man who punched pregnant woman on subway arrested”
I’ve been in NYC long enough that my favorite dishes have become secret menu items ♥️
I can’t be within 1,000 sq ft of freshly cut onions—my eyes instantly start crying like I’m in a dramatic movie scene
Started using some new skincare products and I think I’m already seeing results (it’s been 4 days)
I’ve become so reliant on chopsticks that I am annoyed I didn’t bring any to eat my pierogis with
Feeling like the Energizer Bunny after a full cup of high-quality Vietnamese coffee and some much-needed healing time chatting and eating with friends 🫶
Fun fact: this is only the third cup of coffee I’ve ever finished from start to finish!
Fun fact: this is only the third cup of coffee I’ve ever finished from start to finish!
Nothing parts a crowd like the Red Sea quite like me, clearly not in the mood, getting increasingly annoyed on the phone as I remind a pharmacy that no, I did not ask to be contacted about their promotions 😭
I enjoy hearing the subway driver lecturing people over the speakers
Tariffs and measles and chaos, oh my! Dorothy, I don’t think we’re in a stable economy or a functioning public health system anymore…
Sigh having to disinfect the floors makes me feel like Cinderella
Researching and learning about knobs, specifically ceramic knobs, how are they made? What makes a good knob? What makes a bad knob? Where are they made? Can people make custom knobs? What are the most cost effective, functional, and cohesively aesthetic knobs I can get?
“Divorce dust” is honestly hilarious—women covering themselves in head-to-toe glitter so married/committed men can get caught. Say what you want about humanity, but the creativity is unmatched.
Scrolling and read this as No Wife
Help my leg fell asleep but I can’t move bc cats on my lap
I’m so hungry
Recovery day at the gym! Feels good getting back into it. Reminding myself that progress is incremental and it’ll all be worth it
I enjoy using ChatGPT to reaffirm my fashion and aesthetic hacks—helping me put together cohesive outfits, including lipstick colors, all based on my skin tone, hair color, eye color, body shape, and even allergies. I still do the bulk of the work, like narrowing down choices based on price, availability, and sizing, but it’s a helpful sounding board!
Bullish on side events! Pumped for the conference, but just as excited for everything happening around it—no way we’re squeezing everyone into one venue and having all the conversations we want 😂
It’s NYC, so a huge space would be insanely expensive (especially since this is organized by community members), and even then, it’d be impossible to connect with everyone. Side events make everything way more fun and flexible!
It’s NYC, so a huge space would be insanely expensive (especially since this is organized by community members), and even then, it’d be impossible to connect with everyone. Side events make everything way more fun and flexible!
I really despise working out when my body is in more pain than usual.
Listen, I don’t content farm and if I did, I’d be doing a horrible job just look at my ranking 🤣
All it takes is 30 minutes of reflection to completely shift the path you were on when you woke up this morning. Lesson in there
Impressed by grok, annoyed at the usage cap! I’m trying to solve mysteries over here
Yet again, I’ve caught a price tag error in a store. It’s frustrating because I have a good eye for shopping—I remember online prices, notice in-store discrepancies, and can even calculate what the price should be based on their own pricing structure. Managers usually find me annoying, but I can’t help that I know how the system works (even if they’d rather overcharge and hope no one notices).
My cats such a princess she even toots elegantly
Octopuses have three hearts, and their blood is blue because it contains hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin. When they’re stressed, their hearts can actually stop beating temporarily!
Had the most delicious castella sponge cake and fresh cream strawberry cake recently—it’s already shown up twice in my dreams. But my favorite cake in America is still the tea cake from The Line (RIP), and my dream is to one day replicate it.
I LOVE going around and experiencing nyc bc it makes me feel so inspired to craft things