
@aviationdoctor.eth #7237

PhD in aviation ∩ climate science | Aviator, diver, ETH maxi, nexialist | Host of /diving /ethfinance /eth-staker /geopolitics /science /singapore /thomas
116207 Follower 1162 Following
Yeah, catching a falling rocket with metal chopsticks is great, but when are we going to get a universal remedy against the common cold
Own a massive rusty bucket that you can’t afford to keep afloat anymore or even dismantle for scrap metal?

No problem, just sink it and call it an “artificial reef”! It’s good for the fishies!

Them: Waaaa, Taleb is being a meanie on X!

Me, courtesy of Amazon today:
I swear the LHC experiment forked reality and landed us in the memeverse in 2012

Here’s the former and maybe next POTUS shilling an obscure shitcoin on Ethereum three weeks ahead of an election

How do you feel about becoming a staked validator on the Unichain, as described in the white paper (https://docs.unichain.org/whitepaper.pdf) ,while $UNI is arguably still affordable?

For the longest time, my intent was only to solo stake ETH on mainnet, but I'm thinking $UNI staking might serve as a hedge in case the "fat protocol" thesis doesn't truly pan out and the value accrues disproportionately to app-centered L2s, at least until the post-rollup-centric Ethereum economics settle into a long-term equilibrium.

In which case Unichain might be a reasonably safe bet given its brand equity inherited from Uniswap and the OP Superchain.

Banner contest!

The /ethfinance channel needs a 1500 X 500 px banner. If you are feeling inspired to visually capture the ethos of our community, please post your creation(s) in this thread. We'll run a survey after a week to pick one.
I’ve read terrifying accounts of sleep paralysis and the attendant feelings of oppression and supernatural presence they elicit. Thankfully, I’ve never experienced it.

What I have experienced, on the other hand, is waking up in the dark and —for a short while— having zero recollection of where I am. The bed is unfamiliar, the room is strange, my muscle memory is helpless at locating the light switch, etc. The feeling of disorientation and vulnerability is unsettling.

Though that’s just coming from traveling all the time and staying at so many hotels that they just become a forgettable blur at some point
Witnessed my very first drone swarm (500 units) show. My mind is blown. Couple of thoughts:

1/ puts on fireworks manufacturers. NFA

2/ we are absolutely cooked the moment the drones become sentient and turn on us
I don’t understand why anyone would pit Polymarket’s U.S. election market against the likes of Nate Silver, or compare it with any election survey really.

An election survey only asks “who do you want to see win the election” (aka who do you intend to vote for). It’s a question about one’s own personal preference.

Polymarket asks “who do you expect will win the election”. It’s a question about guessing the collective preference.

Add in the confounding practice of bet hedging, and Polymarket is not only a terrible survey instrument for measuring personal intentions, but arguably a questionable predictor of electoral outcomes, too.

The only upside to this noise is that it brings a great crypto use case (prediction markets) into the spotlight, and by extension, drives onboarding
Americans, and Floridians in particular, are about to face one of the first truly monumental and undeniable manifestations of climate change as hurricane Milton makes landfall.

A manifestation so powerful that no amount of thoughts, prayers, and burying one’s head in the sand can shield oneself from its effects. The only hope is to evacuate, flee as far away as possible from its path, and become a climate refugee, even for a few days or weeks.

When the proverbial dust settles, and people eventually return to their homes, they’ll struggle to identify which slab of concrete was once theirs, among a barren moonscape from which all wildlife will have been violently erased.

Most residents will rebuild, insurance premiums will go up, and life will pretend to return to some normalcy until the next Cat 5 turns up, probably much sooner than legacy probabilistic models would have anticipated.
TIL that in 2021, Meredith Patterson (Len Sassaman’s widow) casually dropped that his journals and hard drives were kept in a box.

If he was Satoshi as some people have claimed over the years (and continue to claim to this day), I hope she keeps that box safu, but also that she won’t be harassed/stalked due to the renewed interest from the HBO documentary

The disconnect between the most advanced countries and the rest of the world falling behind is getting parabolic.

I’m not talking about just wealth disparity — poverty has decreased virtually everywhere over the last few decades.

I’m talking about an acceleration of leading economies (OECD broadly, though mostly the US) toward an AI-driven technological singularity (with both pros and cons) coupled with energy abundance; while the bottom quartile remains mired in wars, despotism, religiosity, tribalism, climate fragility, and socioeconomic stagnation.

Human progress is like a rubber band that it’s being stretched to record levels between the two ends of the spectrum.

See this article for what sub-Saharan Africa has to contend with these days, and consider how far removed their human experience is from yours.

Any alien visiting our planet ten years from now will struggle to accept that we are one species

If you think you screwed up at work, just remember that you cannot possibly have screwed up as badly as the EigenLayer employee who presumably sent 1.7M new tokens (worth $6M) to a scammer who pretended over email to be an investor having just recently changed their wallet address

If you find yourself unable to cast in this channel and want to be added as a member, please DM me!
If you find yourself unable to cast in this channel and want to be added as a member, please DM me!
If you find yourself unable to cast in this channel and want to be added as a member, please DM me!
If you find yourself unable to cast in this channel and want to be added as a member, please DM me!
Day 1 of Base SE Asia with @elxlee and @lonlas.eth in Singapore
Kiddo brought a bassoon home from music class.

That thing sounds like Cthulhu getting one of his appendages cut off and looks like one, too

“I’m going to be a famous bassoon player when I grow up”, said absolutely no one ever
This is something that has always struck me as odd in the intelligent design proposition. If you were to design, say, an optical device, the last thing you would use is some albumin, jelly, and neurons. That biological eye cannot see in the dark, it cannot zoom, it cannot turn off when you sleep, it cannot perceive IR or UV or the electric field, and it just ages poorly after 30.

In fact, your true "you" (your central nervous system) has virtually no control over the organic meat spacesuit that keeps you alive on this planet: your heartbeat, your digestion, the growing of your hair and nails, your immune system, etc.

There's also no diagnostic function to tell you what hormonal or micronutrient imbalance you may have, no built-in predictive system that monitors which part of you may need care or replacement, etc.

I know we're really just vessels for our selfish genes to perpetuate themselves, but now that we are starting to have some bodily agency through technology, the range of possibilities is enormous.
I travel a lot for work and have to wonder. How do other travel warriors here handle jet lag? It absolutely wrecks any routine I try to maintain, both circadian and dietary. I also can’t even take all my supplements with me (too cumbersome, and some are temp-controlled).

Also curious about @bryanjohnson’s take on this (I’m sure he’s been asked this a million times, but seeing him fresh and awake at the recent Network State conference in Singapore made me wonder)
If you're feeling under pressure to make an impact in this world before being past your prime, just think of this American WWII bomb that took 80 years to finally do its job and tear up the taxiway at Miyazaki Airport in Japan (a former Imperial Japanese Navy flight training field back then)

The potential for a nascent bot-to-bot economy to drastically boost the future block space demand is underrated IMHO. The future lies in networks and swarms of autonomous agents, not in them existing in isolation of each other.

By 2030, estimates are of 60M industrial robots, 1B AI agents, 50M self-driving cars, several millions of delivery drones, hundreds of thousands of decentralized power plants, unmanned fab shops and 3D printers, on-demand creative and professional services powered by next-gen LLMs, etc. Many, if not most, of which will need to collaborate, and thus transact, among themselves.

To do that, they will need their identity on chain (just like we do with our own FIDs on Optimism), smart contracts with easy API access not designed for humans, maybe a dedicated L2 optimized for sub-dollar payments, and a trusted settlement L1 with Lindy effect and commensurate security budget (Ethereum's is $85B and growing)
Will we ever see in-frame polls (@survey style) with the option to bet tokens (@polymarket style)?

Being able to create and participate in prediction markets without leaving your Farcaster client of choice would be 🔥