Vote Third Party


A place to discuss third party and independent candidates for president of the United States. All political perspectives are welcome.

This is wild. The Nevada Sec of State gave the Green party the incorrect petition form, and then the Dems used that in court to kick the Greens off the Nevada ballot

There is no legitimate reason why the two largest third parties should be kept off any state's presidential ballot
It's 2024 and neither major party wants to legalize and regulate cannabis

If you vote for garbage parties you will get garbage policies
Teamsters union declined to endorse either major party candidate for the first time in almost 30 years

One of us, one of us...
Ever since 2016, liberals and some Democratic leaders have insinuated that the Green Party is secretly backed by Russia in order to sow discontent during election season and hurt Dems.

If this was true, wouldn't there have been some sliver of evidence provided at some point in 8 years?

The Russia - Tenet Media story, in which Russia covertly funded several right-wing commentators with millions of dollars earlier this year, shows that the US will absolutely take action against Russian influence operations when there is evidence of such.

There has been no such action against the Green Party because there is zero evidence they are supported by Russia in any capacity whatsoever.

Don't believe the smear campaign which will inevitably ramp up over the next two months.
Poll from yesterday ICYMI, I'd love to hear what you think 🌻✌️
RFK Jr is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump

Where does that leave his millions of supporters who wanted an alternative to the two corrupt parties who, election after election, deceive their voters and serve special interests?

The two largest third party candidates still in the running are Jill Stein (Green) and Chase Oliver (Libertarian). Neither of them would ever endorse a major party because they fundamentally disagree with Dem & GOP policies such as endless war.

Some RFK voters will follow his lead and support Trump. A smaller number may opt for Kamala. But I think a lot of them will now consider the other third parties that still want to challenge the system and take on the establishment.
It's over for RFK, he's no longer a serious candidate in my eyes. Seems like he's giving up on his campaign by groveling to Trump and Harris for a cabinet position. Gotta be disappointing for his supporters to read these reports.
I understand the impulse to vote for a third party. And in our Australian preferential voting system, I 100% encourage everyone to put both major parties last regardless of your political orientation simply to secure a more diverse and accountable representative body.

But in the US electoral system, what is the practical argument for encouraging people to vote 3rd party?

Give the likelihood of success wouldn’t the energy be better spent advocating for reform of the electoral system?
I didn't know who Erakat was until now but she seems smart as hell and would easily be the most antiwar VP candidate in the race
Pretty big

She has a chance to cause a lot of trouble and push Dems left
Is there a table with policy stance comparison for these candidates anywhere? And if not, can you please help me build sth like this?

What is missing here? What did I add wrongly? For example I don't know the potential interest rate policy for any of these candidates. It doesn't look like they made any statements.
I agree with Chase Oliver on some issues and massively disagree on others. But somehow he's still better than either of the major candidates.

1) has a pulse
2) can articulate his policies clearly
3) doesn't lie constantly