kripcat.eth 🎩

@kripcat.eth #187961

Horticulturalist. Environmental hand wringer. Open source enthusiast.
1730 Follower 1029 Following
Anybody else getting this error when chopping wood?
Bought this bird call book for my 19 month old daughter last month. It’s been amazing. She loves it.

She only knows about 4 dozen words and 2 of them are local bird names.
Ukrainian drone pilots are hard.
Well that was quite flattering tbh.

Also good to know that I’m always watching over me.
Thought this was an interesting Ted talk.

TLDR; Climate change deniers correctly recognise that if climate change is real the developed world will require dramatic lifestyle changes, but would rather fall back on conspiratorial thinking to shield themselves from that reality.

But many avowed proponents of climate action do not behave as if they believe in Climate Change and its near term consequences (i.e by flying, eating meat, etc). So in a way these people are in denial also.

Apply to join /birds and get casting your favourite
kestrels and chickadees via the frame below:

Tell a story about this chart.
Spotted a Latham’s Snipe at work today.

A pretty incredibly migratory wader that nests in Japan and Eastern Siberia in the northern hemisphere summer, and then flies to South Eastern Australia every year to spend summer here before going back again (🤯).

They weigh roughly 200 grams..
Reminder that biodiversity loss and climate change are inextricably linked and mutually reinforcing.
I swear this is happening to all the Simpsons quotes in my brain.
When the crab keeps crabbing.
Every year I’m tempted to print this out and pin it to the office notice board. But it feels like a /vip thing to do.
Since FC has so many market aficionados, maybe it’s better to couch it in these terms.

There are two options for existence. Living and being dead. Being dead is essentially a black market. It’s gated by taboo, law and social obligation. To die deliberately in contemporary society you need to run a gauntlet of pain and the possibility of failure leading to public shame, humiliation, potential disability or even criminal prosecution. At the end of the gauntlet is neutral oblivion.

Since deliberate death is gated, the other option, living, has a monopoly on existence. The outcome? An abuse of monopolistic power. Living is allowed to be worse than neutral oblivion for many, because there is no market competition.

In world in which it’s possible to exit painlessly at anytime, a world where there is true competition for existence; then those with the power to do so must necessarily make life worth living. Or they’ll lose market share to the dead.
Interesting to consider. Most people like the idea of cops wearing body cams to prevent corruption and abuse of power. But as the cost of the technology goes down, how comfortable are you with the idea that every private and public employee you interact with may be wearing a body camera?

And what is lost in the process? Does the parking inspector who would have ripped up the fine for a harried single mother who arrived back at the 5 mins late, now write the ticket because he’s wearing a body cam?

Do we lose some of the social grease and small accomodations that ease the rigidity of modern society because abundant body cameras now mean that everyone starts following the letter of the law inherent to their jobs, rather than the spirit?

Just finished this. I thought it was a good pop sci overview of near term climate impacts.

Really hammers home how, regardless of the degree to which you feel we’re successfully or unsuccessfully addressing the causes of climate change, we’re woefully underprepared on the adaptation front.

You’d think we’d be all over it since it doesn’t require the grand systemic changes that decarbonisation demands. If anything widespread adaptation preparations would be a boost to GDP (and perhaps CO2e 😕).

With that information in hand it really seems like we’re still subconsciously in denial that this is taking place; even when we pay lip service with
phrases like “climate emergency” and with explicit CC denial fading fast.

Shame about the title though. I think it’ll put off the dogged optimists and discourage the spread of important information via this otherwise well written book.
Reasons I still have a bank account:

1. I have a mortgage.
2. My job pays in AUD. I have no option to receive payment in AUDT.
3. People who don’t use crypto need to send me money & Vice Versa.
4. I don’t have a viable non-custodial card option like Gnosis Pay to facilitate payments from AUDT to AUD in my jurisdiction.

A solution to #4 seems like it’s on the horizon. Are there viable solutions for 1-3? If not what are the roadblocks? Will they be overcome?
I feel like these reasons also apply to a sufficiently decentralised social media protocol.

I guess when you have a large audience it’s a difficult balance between losing mindshare by being strict about where you post, and compromising on your values to keep your influence.

More people need to post exclusively on platforms that reflect their values.