
@ashoat.eth #7811

founder of @comm.eth open source / build in public
1874 Follower 572 Following
getting Viem to work in React Native 0.70 was a pain

needed 4 Babel changes: https://phab.comm.dev/D13702
just finished updating /comm's ENS fetching logic to support ENSIP-10! (https://docs.ens.domains/ensip/10)

this adds support for resolving "offchain names" such as ashoat.base.eth

shoutout to @nfthreat for his help debugging this 🙏
the other side of this coin is that email is *really* easy to hack

the capriciousness of the system is a response to that

I'm not much of a hacker, but I've been able to send fake emails a couple times using only reverse DNS records:

1. in 2010 I made fake posts as my university's security prof in a Facebook group. FB had a feature where if somebody emailed them, it would get converted to an FB post. and all they were checking for security was if a reverse DNS record existed for the outbound email server

2. in 2021 I randomly found myself at a WeWork whose Wi-Fi IP address had a reverse DNS record. I was able to send email to arbitrary Gmail accounts that showed up as coming from whitehouse.gov
my pet peeve with American voters is that they all seem to think the President is a legislator

any part of a Presidential campaign platform based on passing legislation is (at best) worth glossing over

the President has a huge impact on the executive branch, pretty significant impact on the judicial branch, and minimal impact on the legislative

voters should be paying less attention when a Presidential candidate talks about legislation, and MORE attention when a Presidential candidate talks about executive actions, appointing/managing regulators, diplomatic stuff, trade deals, military stuff, etc.
are people aware that Kanye West is now on nitrous 24/7?
doing an AMA right now!! come ask me some questions :)
this is big. Ingrid Lewis-Martin is the chief opponent of the city DOT inside the Adams administration

word on the street is that she was responsible for killing the McGuinness redesign

also interesting that this is the Manhattan DA, not the feds

I've gotten 15 USDC in creator rewards in the last week. had no idea about it before

more than makes up for what I've spent on cast storage!
wild that Google lost its Epic case but somehow Apple won

Apple seems to abuse its position a lot more
I'm doing an AMA in /privacy tomorrow!!
it's crazy to me that Discord adds you to every channel when you join a server
Really solid case for a constitutional right to privacy in the US

For some reason I always hear the 14th amendment quoted as the basis instead and I don’t think it makes as much sense in the digital era
if you didn't get membership in a channel that you want, one strat is to make an example cast of the sort of content you'd be contributing

then share the example cast to the channel lead as your application

I've had 100% success with this strategy so far
@chicago I humbly present this as my application to /bicycling 🙏🙏
went on my first bikepacking trip this weekend!

took Metro North up to Tarrytown and crossed over the Tappan Zee, and then biked up to Harriman State Park

stealth camped at Lake Skenonto there, which had quality drinking water (after filtering)

took a different route back via Bear Mountain State Park

highly recommend checking out Rogue Panda’s frame bags. they’re custom designed to fit your exact frame and max out storage space
"But our lives also had a certain specificity. Stoned on a city bus, stumbling through a forest, swaying in a crowded punk club, we were never anywhere other than where we were.

Today, it is harder to keep one’s mind in place. Our thoughts leak through the sieve of our smartphones, where they join the great river of everyone else’s."

@opiumhum I humbly present this as my application to /electronic
got a free ticket (s/o Gray Area) to see Deeper Purpose last weekend and I've been obsessed since

infectious ear-wormy tech house

- Activate: https://open.spotify.com/track/6wHznrBZEyKvlcCrVdmNiC?si=912a717875974e04
- Up N' Down: https://open.spotify.com/track/2JGVEYGtla0PJeHF15Esdo?si=d4ad7a99361b4ae7
Comm finally has more users than GitHub stars lol
investigating reports of instability with the Sign In With Farcaster flow in Comm

worth noting that you can register now and connect it later in the Profile tab
probably my biggest weakness as a founder is that I'm a perfectionist.

it took me 8 years of building before I felt comfortable launching Comm. the hardest part was coming to terms with the scope we had to cut.

we're launching today without backup and without self-hosted keyservers, two critical features (coming soon tho!)

every founder knows that done is better than perfect. but for me, if the product I'm launching doesn't reach my own personal bar, I have a really hard time feeling comfortable with it

how do other perfectionist founders handle this stuff? maybe we need a support group lol

for Comm's launch, we had to cut scope and ended up launching without a backup feature

we're working on getting a v0 of encrypted backup out ASAP, initially centralized

that said our medium-term goal is to build out something decentralized and sovereign

what's the current best practice for portable, decentralized backup of user content in an ETH dapp?

attaching a schematic of the centralized v0 for context

in light of our launch (https://warpcast.com/ashoat.eth/0x427722f7) ,I wanted to share some cool code snippets with y'all:

1. where we encrypt messages: https://warpcast.com/comm.eth/0x7796260f
2. sandboxing notifs: https://warpcast.com/comm.eth/0x94cfb5ea
3. at-rest encryption: https://warpcast.com/ashoat.eth/0x9ba1fa45
4. backup encryption for eth users: https://warpcast.com/ashoat.eth/0xaadd3dc9
5. selfhosting a keyserver: https://warpcast.com/ashoat.eth/0x39f43a9c
6. local and keyserver search: https://warpcast.com/ashoat.eth/0xc822a677
7. account deletion: https://warpcast.com/ashoat.eth/0x1dbedecc

comm is a mission driven project—we care more about enabling privacy than getting rich—so fork or audit the code as you wish
showing my age here a little bit, but when I first learned to code in the PHP era, one of the things I loved the most about the open Internet was how customizable it was

every site looked different, had different functionality, etc.

people modified the shit out of the software they ran

with Comm, we're trying to bring that back. we don't have a formal API yet, but the most important primitive is that people run the code themselves
