Bryan Johnson
@bryanjohnson #330642
Trying to not die
10288 Follower 72 Following
Today, I...
. filled two glass vials w/ my semen
. dabbed my semen on a dried blood spot card
. filled five tubes with my stool
. did a cheek swab
. pricked my fingers 10 times
. started blood glucose monitoring
. removed all my plasma & replaced w Albumin
Typical day.
. filled two glass vials w/ my semen
. dabbed my semen on a dried blood spot card
. filled five tubes with my stool
. did a cheek swab
. pricked my fingers 10 times
. started blood glucose monitoring
. removed all my plasma & replaced w Albumin
Typical day.
The most scary things are those which our eyes can’t see.
In the past few days alone. It's a good time to build in longevity.
Longevity bout to explode.
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” - Schopenhauer
It’s Friday night again. You’re relaxing after a stressful week. A new episode of your favorite show just dropped. What’s in the pantry that makes you powerless?
is this why i have so many haters?
people want all good and bad things at the same time
it's october 3rd
Be someone the 25th century will respect.
You're going to be surprised when you figure out that being healthy is living life more fully than the self destructive behaviors you romanticize.
If you ate two bowls of cereal instead of three this morning, you’re doing a good job.
In the future we'll be able to turn off our sensory perception so that we're not inadvertently forced to see, hear, or smell.
This plant in my office has great skin.
Gates peacocking in NY yesterday, downing a hotdog. What do you make of infinite money and poor health choices?
Existence is the prize.
The Greenland shark is over 400 yrs old. Will I live as long?
My in-ear temp this morning was 94.8°F (34.9°C), technically qualifying as minor hypothermia. Normal: 98.7°F
It takes swimming over a mile in ice to achieve an equivalent temp reduction.
Why I’m tracking this 🧵
My in-ear temp this morning was 94.8°F (34.9°C), technically qualifying as minor hypothermia. Normal: 98.7°F
It takes swimming over a mile in ice to achieve an equivalent temp reduction.
Why I’m tracking this 🧵
Consuming one serving a day of fried food increases all-cause mortality risk by 8%, while 1 weekly serving of fried chicken was enough to increase mortality risk by 13%.
Men, I'm coming for your girlfriends. They're going to get you to go to bed on time.
At some point, you all are going to realize that staying alive is the ultimate game to play.
Migratory birds are the ultimate nomads.
A 25 year old woman's type 2 diabetes was cured with stem cells taken from her own body. A world first.
Turns out fake food + Ozempic isn't a great business strategy. 90% drop in stock market value.
What are you getting pitched?
It's fun to see people grapple with a new way of understanding reality
This morning’s VO2 max training data. A little off today as I returned from Asia last night and feeling jet lagged.
4 min max effort. 4 min rest. 4x.
Recent VO2 max: 58.7 mL/(kg·min), top 1.5% of 18 year olds
4 min max effort. 4 min rest. 4x.
Recent VO2 max: 58.7 mL/(kg·min), top 1.5% of 18 year olds
Thank you Singapore for the breathe of fresh air
Uric Acid is a power-law biomarker.
When UA drops, heart health soars.
But it’s one of the hardest to control in modern life.
5 things that got me to a 2.7 mg/dL UA range (top 1% optimal for men) and reduced my death risk by 45%…🧵
When UA drops, heart health soars.
But it’s one of the hardest to control in modern life.
5 things that got me to a 2.7 mg/dL UA range (top 1% optimal for men) and reduced my death risk by 45%…🧵
We are transitioning as a species from knowing to not knowing.
This change is so jarring, so scary, so unimaginable that 99.9% of people try to solve it with their knowing. They fill the air with words of prediction, ideas and certainties.
This change is so jarring, so scary, so unimaginable that 99.9% of people try to solve it with their knowing. They fill the air with words of prediction, ideas and certainties.
It may be blurred now, but soon it will become humanity's all-consuming focus.
Exercise ftw to combat jet lag.
The human race computes existence by speaking roughly 131 trillion words per day.
Friends - for the past year I've been working harder than I have in my entire life to make Don't Die easy for you. Every calorie. Every measurement. Every friend.
I think it's best in world. We are so close to being ready to share.
I think it's best in world. We are so close to being ready to share.
Alcohol isn’t a good friend.
It’s clingy.
Tells you lies.
Wrecks your sleep.
Impairs judgment.
Weakens sexual function.
Doesn’t respect boundaries.
It’s clingy.
Tells you lies.
Wrecks your sleep.
Impairs judgment.
Weakens sexual function.
Doesn’t respect boundaries.
My sleep schedule traveling to Singapore from LA:
+ slept from 7 pm to 9 pm to capture deep sleep that is otherwise gone.
+ to airport for 11:40 pm departure
+ asleep immediately after take off
+ 5 hours, no wake sleep.
+ 2 hours restorative
+ slept from 7 pm to 9 pm to capture deep sleep that is otherwise gone.
+ to airport for 11:40 pm departure
+ asleep immediately after take off
+ 5 hours, no wake sleep.
+ 2 hours restorative
Call an acquaintance today and ask them what’s on their mind. Be a good listener and ask thoughtful follow on questions.
Adults could previously offer kids advice about the future. That’s no longer the case.
Sleep is the highest yield activity within reach. Nothing has a higher payoff. Our culture makes this hard to see and tells us to resist it.
Self-destructive behaviors are slow-boil suicide.
The safest path to superintelligence is to eliminate death.
Friend, put me on your shoulder. I'm ready to go into battle with you today, to do all the good and avoid the bad.
Justifications for death will fade until there are none.
an interesting thing happens when someone expresses an opinion about what they want in the future and then when that future actually arrives