Red 🎩

@big-red #420765

Software Eng. Dumb dad. Aging emo. Reply guy.
3525 Follower 351 Following
Gn friends. How was your Monday?
Gn friends. It's been a wild weekend
Gm friends! It's Saturday and I have the whole day to myself. What should I do?!
Gm friends! It's Friday, we made it!
(Very late) GM friends. It's almost the weekend!
Gm friends. Is it gonna be a good Wednesday? Cause I feel dead 😄💀
Gm. Boy do I need this today
Gm friends. We rise with the sun.
First squat day in 3 weeks. These felt soooo heavy 💀

325 x 5 x 3
Gm friends. I missed my alarm somehow and now feel all 🙃
Just packed my kids into the car and said goodbye as they go to their grandma's for a week and now I'm standing here like 😭
Took the kids to the drive-in double feature last night.

They're super tired today but it was definitely worth it
Gm friends. I had a nice lazy Saturday sleep in 😴

Hope you're having a great start to your weekend
Getting my morning going gm-ing the bros.

Gm bros.
Gm friends.

Stayed up way too late last night dealing with the crowdstrike thing. Anybody else affected?
First day back, gotta get the muscles firing again.

135lbs x 8
Gm friends. I'm back to work and back to my normal routine. How's everybody's week going?
Gm friends. Made it halfway yesterday. Now the rest of the journey.
Gm friends. The car is all packed and we begin the long road back home.
The last run of my vacation. I'm pretty happy that I got out every morning the last week and ran something like 45km all told.

Not amazing, but a stretch for me.
Gm friends. Happy Monday! Let's make it a great week.
Slow today but happy I got out and did it.
It's been a looong time since I've hammed. Who's hamming these days?
This week I appreciate so many things. Today I will just say I appreciate the privilege of getting to see my kids try new things, gain confidence, and grow as people.