
@dor #6558

sim.io | explorer.sim.io | smlxl.io | evm.codes | Trying to solve more problems than I create
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sim's EVM Lambda construct is unique to sim, and it is by far the most flexible way to insert custom logic into blockchain execution, do on-chain ETLs and probe every aspect of chain execution. We put together this thread that sheds a bit more light about what is the EVM Lambda https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1846625588297322776
New app added to playground.sim.io -- idm-search lets you search on-chain messages across Base and Ethereum, playground.sim.io/idm-search

Read more: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1846226794464399781
Last week Tal/I have been working on building a small Trader PnL Webapp powered by sim. This ended up being particularly timely as @zachxbt recently identified 11 wallets owned by Murad, which generated some excitement on CT. The PnL app shows the profit and loss (PnL) and other details of a trader's activity by token, given their address(es) active on @base or @ethereum

The data is live, not a snapshot from minutes/hours ago.
Test drive the PnL app on these wallets or any wallets on:

Contract deployments is a dataset that users frequently ask about. sim makes it extremely easy to explore contract deployment tables or build your own pipelines, webhooks, and APIs with contract deployment data.

Like with every dataset in sim, you can view, fork and modify the canvas powering it, check it out: studio.sim.io/sim/canvases/a6e321fe-a776-4d42-a9fd-e9b2f9d7e6a2

P.S If you are wondering who is the top deployer... No surprise there, it is XEN 🪳
A small webapp/dashboard to track DEX Telegram bots activity, crazy to think they handled $250MM in volume in the last 7 days playground.sim.io/dex-bots

Read more x.com/smlxldotio/status/1843346628067131470
You can now view contract code and copy ABIs directly from sim Explorer (http://evm.storage)

Navigate to the contract ABI section and click "View Code." You will be presented with flattened contract code, eliminating the need to search through endless files!
There was some recent minor "drama" on CT about @uniswap vs. @aerodrome volume which sparked our curiosity. So we used sim to investigate and here's what we found:

Focusing on aggregator trades (used by retail, not arbitrageurs) on Base over the last 7 days:
- Aerodrome has the largest aggregator trade volume
- Uniswap V3 has more than twice as many aggregator trades

Trade size breakdown:
- Small trades (<$10k): Uniswap and PancakeSwap dominate
- Larger trades ($50k+): Mostly routed to Aerodrome's deeper liquidity pools

Top aggregators on Base by volume:
- 1inch
- KyberNetwork

On Ethereum, Uniswap remains the clear leader in aggregator trade volumes

There isn't any earthshattering insights here, if anything this data shows the importance of considering multiple metrics when comparing DEX performance.

You can the full thread here: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1841160530683445672
ERC-4626 aims to standardize yield-bearing vaults. Just on mainnet alone, there is over half a billion USDC/T in ERC-4626 vaults. Yet, they haven't been well indexed—until now!

✨ Introducing Builder Bribe widget for sim Explorer (fka. evm.storage)
We’re now showing bribes on block and transaction pages, and we have a leaderboard to explore who's given and received the most bribes.

Check it out yourself at https://explorer.sim.io/bribes!

As always, the source table was built in a simple sim canvas. Query the data yourself or duplicate the canvas to build your own.
Excited to see Euler coming back stronger than ever with V2, we wanted to quickly index it with sim, check out https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1831724586536509528 to learn more and check the data out
Took a bit longer but you can now explore proposed EOF opcodes on evm.codes -- navigate to the fork selector and select the EOF (Prague) fork and explore the proposed changes and opcodes!

This is a starting point; we would love submissions from the community to make this better.

Many thanks to @hangleangeang for his contributions via a bounty on @bountycaster !

CC: @draganrakita, @shazow.eth, @cqb, @maurelian.eth
Did you know you can use @uniswap V3 to calculate and fetch the "on-chain price" for almost every token? We do just that with sim on this thread https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1828472249156018685
While exploring @base's Basenames, we found names that seemed unregistered yet weren't available to register.

This led us to explore how protocol owners reserve names!

What are the 1,707 names they chose to reserve?

Check it out: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1828097333764280663
The EVM Lambda and our Patch component are two of the core components used to instrument the chain and run off-chain computations based on on-chain events. We've received many questions about both and when to use them.

The quick answer is: it depends. Each has its advantages:
• Lambdas are more flexible: : You can insert execution across many contracts (e.g., those that share an ABI), upon each transaction, each storage write, or each block. None of these is possible with Patch.

• The Patch on the other hand, puts you within the contract: If you're interested in a single contract, and particularly if you'd like to emit transient values from it, Patch is very powerful.

Check out the full FAQs to learn more

EVM Lambda FAQ: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1820900717751635976

Patch FAQ: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1825622147035013616
In our latest video, we show how you can use a Patch in sim to instrument @uniswapX.

Check out the full thread on: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1821591038420775000 or try it out yourself on sim.io, starting up is easy and free!
We've listened to @bankless emergency podcast and heard @trustlessstate and RyanSadams discuss the recent liquidation frenzy, so we decided to create more visibility into liquidations with a normalized mainnet liquidation dataset; check it out and learn how we built it: https://x.com/smlxldotio/status/1821208333564702897
One of the most requested data sets is a real-time and normalized DEX trades, with some vendors charging thousands for it; In this thread we showcase how to use to build your own normalized DEX trades, we use @uniswap v2&3 as the example but the methodology is more or less the same with other DEXs.

Yesterday we've launched sim.io which enables anyone to create applications and data pipelines that rely on blockchain data..

A core part of sim is the EVM Lambda, the EVM Lambda allows anyone to create hooks that intercept EVM executions and get callbacks for running your own off-chain code. Here is a short example of how one could use an EVM Lambda to track ownership changes for @undefined Ownable contracts!

The EVM Lambda enables you to hook/intercept and target:
- Calls/internal calls to/from address
- Any contracts matching specific ABIs
- Function execution/log emission
- Transactions
- Block start/end
- Storage operations

Currently, Lambdas are written in Solidity and enhanced by simFunctions, enabling capabilities beyond standard EVM and Solidity limitations. In the coming months, you'll be able to write Lambdas in any language that compiles to WASM.

Check out sim announcement post: x.com/smlxldotio/status/1818341380218900821
or the full example: x.com/smlxldotio/status/1818692266870841686
1/2 Many builders here could relate that building applications that rely on real-time, on-chain data is resource-intensive and requires specialist skills. And as chains and clients focus on “writes” (throughput, scalability), rich and efficient “reads” will become even harder. Today we launch sim.io to change that. (read more: https://blog.smlxl.io/sim-a-canvas-for-your-ideas-aa80d20e6fa8)

sim replaces and augments node providers, indexers, ETL pipelines, API gateways and cloud providers. Use our fully hosted solution or stream to your own infra. Perfect for builders who value flexibility and control.

What can you do with sim? A LOT!
- Instantly deploy rich APIs and data pipelines for your dApp
- Analyze and instrument DeFi protocols at scale
- Monitor and respond to on-chain events across networks (telegram bots, x-chain messaging, etc.)
All without months of backend work and juggling multiple vendors.
Help us improve evm.codes by extending it include info about the proposed/upcoming EVM Object format (EOF), evm.codes is used by thousands of people and you can help us make it better.

1000 USDC -- but negotiable depending on the scope/implementation, we will be there to support and help.
Deadline 08/08/2024

evm.codes now have a contract reader -- check it out at: evm.codes/contract

Key features:
- A single flattened sourcecode file is displayed instead of navigating a file maze
- View multiple flattened contracts at once
- Quickly navigate and interact with the contracts
- Improved proxy support
- Open source
"Feedback has been clear, it's too expensive, and we are making changes" ---> yet in the same email they tell us that the cost is increasing...

i kinda wish they didn't listen to the community feedback :)
Super appreciative of how attentive and helpful other founders are, even if there wasn't an prior social connection -- special shoutout to @dennison @mikedemarais.eth @pirosb3 @worm.eth (and of course @dannyaranda) for their time, energy and perspective this week
evm.codes now fully supports Cancun and the new opcodes