
@cqb #7835

Interested in ZK, FHE, PUFs, hardware, system design, ai safety, and smart contact security.
2294 Follower 240 Following
I will not let this meme die. I say "everything's computer" at every occasion, my fiance grows tired
Murtaza Hussain
@mazmhussain·2 days ago
I'm starting to think CALLCODE might be a little underrated tbh
@karma·23:43 13/02/2025
EVM opcodes ranked
Also the devaluation of human labor will be akin to the automobile replacing horses
@cqb·19:11 02/03/2025
Imagine if the Renaissance, the collapse of Rome, and the industrial revolution all happened at the same time. I think that's where we're headed on the timeline
If the us has a "strategic" eth reserve doesn't that give them a pretty big (read: outsized) influence on fork choice? We talk a lot about how usdc and other stable coins could legitimize a fork based on which assets they recognize. But, imagine if the us starts staking eth validators and then, because it's government, they never update their clients for upgrades and only recognize the old chain. Are we just stuck with that chain because of their economic influence? Are we cool with (committed to) forking out and slashing the us government?
But also slightly degrades readability
@androidsixteen.eth·04:36 03/03/2025
It’s called a “quote cast”, T

They’re like replies except people can see them and you get points or some shit
Imagine if the Renaissance, the collapse of Rome, and the industrial revolution all happened at the same time. I think that's where we're headed on the timeline
Vance definitely is giving fascist Joffrey Baratheon vibes tbh
@androidsixteen.eth·18:59 01/03/2025
What bothered me most about the theatre yesterday was the demand for fealty

America isn’t a feudal kingdom, it’s a republic — no man is a king and while we celebrate great statesmen, we serve no masters

If you’re in crypto, it’s ever more important to build or align with protocols that can’t be co-opted
Twitter might be increasingly transforming into a text based fascist tiktok. A tool for a major power to interfere adversarially with politics in its foreign interests
@dwr.eth would be cool if we could use warps to fund our wallets in some way, either directly or to pay gas in some way
More high-speed rail in more places please!
Thumbs Up
@thumbsup.eth·01:03 20/02/2025
Awesome. Wish this was started years ago, as it will take most of a decade to complete, but I’m still excited to see the needle pointing in the right direction.

In the future how will we refer to the twenties that we are living through right now? How will we distinguish it from the roaring twenties a century ago?
Okay, finished watching this. Damn this is good stuff, I'm very tempted to try to play four billion Pokemon games simultaneously. This has to change your brain and the way you think. Also, not the first time this guy has done this, fucking wild!
Darryl Yeo 🐬🐬🐬
@darrylyeo·05:10 16/02/2025
A single sequence of button presses that is guaranteed to beat Pokémon Platinum no matter which random number generator seed is picked. Absolute genius.

My new pet conspiracy theory is that all the big web2 recommender algos learned that to increase engagement they can manipulate people in meatspace to make the world as absurd as possible to induce more rage bait interactions on their platforms. Nobody intentionally did this, it's just we already lost control, and we lost it to the recommender algos
I want my LLMs to tell me that I asked it the wrong question, then tell me what the better question would have been and proceed to answer it instead
Anybody else remember spore? I sank so many hours into that game creating creatures and planting colonies throughout the galaxy
This same frame but mocktails would also be very fun!
Kasra Rahjerdi
@jc4p·03:38 15/02/2025
Check out my signature cocktails!
Recently rewatched the 3blue1brown optical puzzles series with my partner. I think it's a great example of how educational content can change the way you fundamentally think about the world. I'm far more comfortable with calculus and linear algebra now compared to when they were released, but I'm still coming away with the same realizations that I did before, just parsed the few equations shown a little quicker this time
If you have a favourite math paper please share it with me! I'm in need of interesting reading material while I'm recovering from a nasty cold
Creating new decentralized organization structures with AI? Sign me up. I think there is definitely something here for new organizations and daos to experiment with, and hopefully outcompete traditional structures
This is an @austingriffith and @buidlguidl appreciation post, thanks for all the work you do teaching and onboarding devs into this space, you make a huge impact!
@cqb·19:15 28/01/2025
Came here to say this! Austin was the first person in the space to pay me for work, wouldn't be here without him!
Are there any frames that do PvP in real time? Like a game of chess or something?
Interesting article about a low cost and non destructive IC verification method! (found as a link in vitalik's recent d/acc blog post) Interesting problem space to work in for open source hardware
Anybody have some good mechanical pencil recommendations?
There should be a polymarket leaderboard for addresses with the most accurate fulfilled positions and/or most profitable trades
If you're in the space and feel like you need a direction on something the build, here's a couple casts worth of good ideas
@peth·08:17 28/11/2024
Many, actually!

Most at the intersection of crypto x real life:
- Stablecoin payment processors replacing POS Visa & Mastercard devices & fees is the most obvious one
- Better capital formation mechanisms bringing back ICOs, but in a way where teams are held accountable through milestone deliverables, ragequitability of funds & chances of being replaced as executors
- Easier ways of bootstrapping token economies in the real world, creating liquidity where there is non a-la Grassroots Economics & q/acc

Great expression of why twitter will likely be abandoned by everyone that isn't a professional twitter poster (it does make me sad that farcaster is never included in stuff like this, though)
Where did all the anarchists in crypto go? I came into this space when it was filled with people building tools and protocols that would sever reliance on state actors and ancient bloated institutions. People used to recoil when government or political parties were mentioned, because they could be captured by authoritarians or an adversarial mob. We were building a trustless base layer of last resort, it would literally be impossible to exclude anyone from using it. Those were the values and aspirations that pulled me into this space.
Is anybody here aware of anyone building reputation markets? I just finished listening to the latest win-win and I think the idea is super intriguing.
Manjik Shrestha
@manzik·01:17 13/10/2024
Decentralized Weather data could be intreseting. we can build up automated insurance for natural disasters on top of that
Noticed today when doing a simple math problem that I never factor things and get stuck as a result. Found some factoring practice problems and am going to work through them over the next few days to get comfortable with it and prime my brain to pattern match when it'll be useful
Whose all working on keystore rollups?
Spent the night playing around with noir again. It's been a few months since I checked it out last, and I feel like it's at the point now where I'm having fun figuring it out. Reminds me of how solidity felt around 2017~2018.
Are there any wallets that exist primarily as a secure library for apps to import and then build their own UI off of?
Happy petrov day! Remember to take a moment in the day and appreciate not living in a nuclear wasteland
One of my old favourite browser extensions was reddit comments for youtube, it would replace the regular youtube comments with the comments from where it was posted on reddit and tabs to switch between the posts. I think this would be a very cool thing to do with farcaster comments and FIP-2
Banger thread, a lot of work needs to be done to rehabilitate the image of crypto
@cbxm·03:11 20/09/2024
crypto is hated and reviled, and the three years i've been here indicate to me that that's not gonna change for at least another 10 years

that's not "10 years to become mainstream"

that's "another decade to become legitimate"

progress is exponential, but progress is not a single path. and the internet has created thousands of different paths. crypto is only one of them

so compare the growth of crypto to the growth of the internet all you want, but it's wrong. the internet started as "unfamiliar" which hindered its growth. crypto is known as (and is, in its current form, undeniably) dangerous to consumers

and inb4 "but it's inherently secure" -- gtfo. teach your sweet aunt about how to secure her tokens, i dare you

and inb4 "oh it's a UX issue" -- no. it's PR issue. America Online had a UX issue. nobody was saying "those free AOL CDs will steal your money and also billions of dollars and also destroy the global economy"
Very cool to see artists depicting a future of space development!
If anybody has read Vitalik's glue post and is interested in learning about ASIC design, here is an open source tool worth checking out.
Vitalik Buterin
@vitalik.eth·08:43 02/09/2024

OpenLane Documentation

If you're interested in building on ethereum would highly recommend following both Austin and buidlguidl
Austin Griffith
@austingriffith·16:50 27/08/2024
👀 Hey it looks like @buidlguidl is on farcaster now!
A browser extension or plugin for reading apps that acts like a "syntax highlighter" for written language. Feed the page you're reading to an LLM and let it rank each token based on some user defined filters and then highlighting phrases according to the filter rankings.

The obvious example is to highlight phrases based on political leanings. but, I think the more interesting filters would be things like, is this phrase a technical explanation, a call for violence, is it supported by evidence provided in the text, is it logically consistent, is it attempting to shill something to the reader or trying to extract value, how much fluff does it contain

I think a tool like this would be extremely valuable for parsing the increasingly hazey information landscape