
@cqb #7835

Interested in ZK, FHE, PUFs, hardware, system design, ai safety, and smart contact security.
923 Follower 211 Following
Cool analysis of the zen 5 CPU layout. Some interesting stuff in here
Noticed today when doing a simple math problem that I never factor things and get stuck as a result. Found some factoring practice problems and am going to work through them over the next few days to get comfortable with it and prime my brain to pattern match when it'll be useful
Whose all working on keystore rollups?
Spent the night playing around with noir again. It's been a few months since I checked it out last, and I feel like it's at the point now where I'm having fun figuring it out. Reminds me of how solidity felt around 2017~2018.
Are there any wallets that exist primarily as a secure library for apps to import and then build their own UI off of?
Happy petrov day! Remember to take a moment in the day and appreciate not living in a nuclear wasteland
One of my old favourite browser extensions was reddit comments for youtube, it would replace the regular youtube comments with the comments from where it was posted on reddit and tabs to switch between the posts. I think this would be a very cool thing to do with farcaster comments and FIP-2
How to dope silicon at home and not break the bank
Banger thread, a lot of work needs to be done to rehabilitate the image of crypto
Very cool to see artists depicting a future of space development!
If anybody has read Vitalik's glue post and is interested in learning about ASIC design, here is an open source tool worth checking out.
Some interesting thoughts on where we should locate lunar development
If you're interested in building on ethereum would highly recommend following both Austin and buidlguidl
A browser extension or plugin for reading apps that acts like a "syntax highlighter" for written language. Feed the page you're reading to an LLM and let it rank each token based on some user defined filters and then highlighting phrases according to the filter rankings.

The obvious example is to highlight phrases based on political leanings. but, I think the more interesting filters would be things like, is this phrase a technical explanation, a call for violence, is it supported by evidence provided in the text, is it logically consistent, is it attempting to shill something to the reader or trying to extract value, how much fluff does it contain

I think a tool like this would be extremely valuable for parsing the increasingly hazey information landscape
Audio of Vitalik's plurality article if you would prefer to read with your ears instead of your eyes
Just left the app while writing a comment to check some info in the browser, when I came back I was back in the home feed and lost everything I had written so far. Quite frustrating
Wen /plurality farcaster client?
A podcast client that feeds a transcript of every podcast you've listened to, to an LLM, it finds the key points of interest and then will ask you questions about what was discussed over the next week or so to help you solidify any learnings
I remember when makerdao was first getting off the ground and they had the "20 percent principle", where they were planning to allocate %20 of tokens for charity. I bet that would have done a lot for crypto's public image if it actually happened
Finally got around to blindsight. Slight event horizon (the movie) vibes but more thinky
Book · 2006 · ★★★★☆

Listened to the audiobook. Got sucked in immediately. It's a philosophical exploration of different hypothetical modes of cognition. And the characters have a lot more meat to them than I was expecting. Highly recommend to anybody into hard scifi.

Also, it has space vampires

Why does every American company making hardware that operates their manufacturing in a warehouse hang a flag from the ceiling? Is there some kind of regulation that says you guys have to hang that thing if you're making real physical things?