Kyle Mathews

@kam #4807

Tech entrepreneur. Founder @electricsql. Founder @gatsbyjs (acquired by Netlify). @kylemathews on Twitter
86782 Follower 185 Following
Load 100s of MBs of data into a real database in your super fast app w/ real-time updates.

ElectricSQL 🤝 PGlite

Harvested two lbs of daikon radish greens to make saag 😋
Little market signal. Weird recruiter spam "you starred this random repo on GitHub that we have a small connection to!" has started up again.
It's funny how little I know about Texas. I've only been there a few times and I know almost no one from there. For many other parts of the US I know lots of detailed facts but Texas just feels internally like a scattered graph of cliches 🤔
Cosmic Crisp has started its decline.

Every great new apple starts exceptional in the stores e.g. Braeburn, Pink Lady, and Honeycrisp and then the quality gradually declined to flavorless nonsense.

It seems that big growers come in a bit later and they've learned to game the system by producing far more apples / acre at the expense of flavor.

The only solution is to cease the means of production and plant a home orchard.
🤔 about product principles for @ElectricSQL

1. sync directly out of your primary data store (PG)
2. sync is the default — so it needs to be hugely scalable, fast, and have costs in line with fetching
3. sync is simple and unopinionated and fits with your existing toolchain
PaaS tells scary ghost stories about the cloud.

Cloud tells scary ghost stories about on prem.

What stories does on prem tell? 🤔
The problem with everyone diverging from each other #GreatWeirding is that it's making conversations around shared things (aka politics) more and more difficult because there's less shared ground/trust for the conversations and the weaker basis for conversations mean they're more gamable by bad actors.
Edge compute is great but what isn't great is compute with slow data reads.

Sync is the solution

I built a new demo with ElectricSQL and Cloudflare's DO SQLite showing how Electric can do a < 20ms incremental sync into sqlite on every call to a DO.

Edge Compute 🤝 Synced Data
Sync is:
- too slow
- not scalable
- too expensive
- too complex

Someone should fix that 🤔
"Let Chaos Reign, Then Rein In Chaos" — Andy Grove

Words to live by
There's old people with laughter lines and old people with judging lines
It's so weird that George Wallace is running for vice president! I thought he'd died!
LLMs are super helpful for navigating giant bureaucratic software like AWS.
First bean harvest! 4 year old got involved with the harvest with some careful scissor tutoring
And they said not to build a custom storage engine...

We're starting to prototype the infra for ElectricSQL's Cloud product soon.

I'm curious what's the most interesting/useful infra tooling/products you've encountered recently? Tech + saas products for managing auth, billing, deployments, etc.
New ElectricSQL demo — offline mutations! Powered by the awesome Tanstack/Query

New ElectricSQL demo!

The most common question I get for Electric is how to do auth — as most sync engines have custom APIs.

But since Electric is just HTTP — the answer is... just use your existing HTTP API to proxy Shape requests!
YouTube seems to have 3-4xed the number of adds they're showing. Listening to music on YouTube is basically broken now.
Two very fun meetings this morning with other startups with great use cases for ElectricSQL 🥳

Let's sync data folks!
New ElectricSQL demo!

Quick 🧵

How to use Electric to sync Postgres data into Cloudflare Workers KV

Workers get instant access to data synced in real-time in 50 lines of code.
