
@mealsandeals #280700

Severely underexposed to crypto currencies FID 280700
331 Follower 243 Following
My apartment complex demo’d and renovated my bathroom recently and it’s somehow worse. They also didn’t exactly finish the job. This is a perfect representation of what living in a modern low tier “luxury” building is like
This App is extremely impressive. Definitely need to start using it more
2017: crypto is the future all these new ICOs will accomplish so much

2021: NFTs are the next iteration of the blockchain we can tokenize the whole world

2024: cats dogs frogs & mogs 🫵😹
My favorite hobby is going to healthy restaurants and asking what kind of cooking oil they use
Life hack: if you see an influencer doing an activity you enjoy at a place that’s not too well known (hidden gem if you will). Report the post as hate speech
Tapped in on blackbird for #bitcoinpizzaday
Can someone tell me the price of one etherium token?
You can’t meme me because I’ll just laugh at the meme and join in on the fun
Don’t think I got a tip yet this season. Let’s keep the streak alive
Did you tell your mom you love her today?

Cast it so she doesn’t see it
Happy Mother’s Day purple app.
Anyone watch the pop tarts movie? It’s like they were laughing at us for poisoning our youth
Gm purple app. Let’s have a day!