
@michael #2723

Head of Product Serotonin | DΞF serotonin.co/platform
1850 Follower 331 Following
Just released: see which of your FC friends are in Singapore 👇👇

Filter event RSVPs using your Farcaster social graph

Search by your followers, followees, and mutual follows

Gotta love positive feedback
people who fill in the metadata are my kind of people
Happy to help out with the data to make this analysis happen!
home is where you know how the shower works
Stupid app idea that won't work for many reasons but would be great if it did:

Send me and all my contacts a text once/week asking what city I'm in. Make it searchable so that I can meet up with my internet friends without having to be social feed Sherlock Holmes
If someone in this thread says Viral I win startup bingo
Not sure who still needs to hear this but if you're a PM and 95% of your time is spent answering email and keeping jira tidy then you're not a PM, you're a nanny

and you should find a new job
Going to Token2049?
Going to KBW?
Tired of posts like this?

See 200+ founders, investors, and execs who will be there too, no tweets required: https://platform.serotonin.co/events
@dwr.eth when he finally has to hire someone who isn't a staff level engineer or designer
Release week! Cooking up something spicy for EthCC 😉
207 ethcc side events tracked (and counting!)
web1: your compute, your project
web2: their compute, your project
web3: your compute, their project, your income
we do a little 3a, we do a little 3c
talking to users = a risk reduction tool

If you're doing something with basically 0 risk like adding dark mode then it's not worth the time

If you're doing something with huge risk like adding a new product line that will take 6mo to build out then absolutely talk to people & don't stop until you get comfy with it
what's the most valuable * least discussed founder skill?

my vote would be the ability to admit to yourself when something isn't quite working
Is there a service that you can point towards a github repo and they just figure out how to get it running and host it for you?
It's interesting to me that most industries have 2-3 major conferences/year while crypto has dozens

As we get more and more chronically online and geographic industry hubs degrade in importance I'd expect a lot more industry conferences to emerge

good time to build event products..
Just released an awesome new feature for Serotonin platform members: connection tracing

If a platform member visits another member's profile they'll see a new section tracking how they've overlapped while on the platform — effectively the center of their personal Venn diagram.