Shower Thoughts


Get wet. For genius thoughts while showering.

The self esteem boosts are real. AI for mental health‽
Is there a secret handshake for when anons meet irl to signal they know who each other are?

What type of culture clash would there be if Juicebox did an event with Orange DAO?

Should I bump flight to LA & see you next Tuesday?

[turns off hot water first]
I’m always right, except when I’m wrong.
1986 saw the US ban leaded gasoline, but 2025 is behaving otherwise
it’s a hard life for those who hate themselves
Once your belief changes,everything changes.
I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s okay to have a job, but every day?
Those who start casts like "water wednesday, QC with your water wednesday cast" How do they know it will be accepted?
i think an important skill to develop to relate truthfully with the internet is learning not to delete the stuff you cast, tweet, post, etc. just stand behind it and move forward. erasing casts is relating to you past self with some degree of weird shame

(i haven’t even casted this and i already want to delete it)
If oranges are called oranges, why aren’t bananas called yellows ?
You can never know how much your mood can change, when you receive the right call from the right person at the right freaking time.

Feels good tbh
What if we normalized testing in public. Ai does it every prompt 🤷🏻‍♂️💜
@annoushka.eth·2 days ago
Shit sorry I was testing, didn’t know the notifs for new wallets were on already 😭
Maybe life isn’t about finding yourself. Maybe it’s about running out of excuses and actually becoming who you’re meant to be.
What do you do when you feel lost 👀
If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you strong or weak ?
Nobody mentions the K in Knowledge until you acKnowledge it.
Looking at the crypto prices plummet, I think joining CTG could have been a nice delulu distraction
Dammit, should have joined
Sorry this is all I can think of...

$drb Debt Relief Bot 😅
one day humanity will look at banking towers the way we look at churches now
have i been unclean all this time?
Cleanest peeps on FC
/shower-thoughts leader board brought to you by dickbutt, the token that need the most cleaning.

Leaderboard by @cura
hear me out: twitter being down, but forever.
social platforms should have event networking plug-ins/capabilities.

i hate downloading event apps for conferences, only to actually connect on LinkedIn, Twitter, Telegram, or Warpcast. no one keeps those event apps for networking afterwards
yes, ai and the advances we're making technologically rn will make it easier to do the things we do rn and free up time for people. more man-hours for everyone.

but what are we going to do with that time?

the advances of the past few decades have freed up time that we used to devote elsewhere. and yet, i don't think that we've been good stewards of the time that was given back to us.

i don't have any numbers but i'm willing to bet that a good chunk of that time now goes to doom scrolling and engaging in the hyperreal world of instagram and the likes.

maybe we were better off without so much time on our hands?
if you are one of those people who have multiple interests and the intellectual capability to pursue just about any of those interests,

how do you decide what to actually pursue? cc: @keccers.eth
If you expect the unexpected, wouldn’t the unexpected become expected ?
I swear the towel soaks up all of the memories of my greatest /shower-thoughts
Camera pans room during dinner party.

Diner #1: So what do you do for a living?

Diner #2: I support Liverpool Football Club

Jobs will be very different.
Trading time time for money isn’t the way forward. Contributing your passion is.
If you actually think about it,what did you feel before you were born👀
In the end,people face the unavoidable consequences of their actions.
If time travel is ever invented, why hasn’t a future version of me come back to tell me yet ?
If life is unfair to everyone, doesn’t that make it fair ?
blockchain is rewriting hollywood’s script and this time, the audience has the pen
Why does it bother me so much to see people challenging the person speaking vs the the idea they are conveying?
If nothing is impossible, is it possible for something to be impossible ?
on high school i used to be one of the “intelligent” kids. i was on the group that got good grades. the ones that ended up on a “good” career (engineering, medicine, laws, etc)

what makes me more excited about the existence of infinite intelligence (and it being accessible to us at all times) is how much is shatters this social perception and puts it upside down

who are the most intelligent kids at school when intelligence is ~free and infinite?

forcefully how we value and perceive intelligence coming from humans will evolve

it will not be about who is better at math, or at memorizing words, or concepts

it will not be the one that spends 24/7 buried inside books, studying as if there was nothing else to rejoice from in the world

everything is being redefined at the speed of light. there is a deep transformation happening throughout all of humanity

and it starts from how we value what it means to *be*

we are not numbers. we are not cogs

we are human

and we are infinite in our own way

How does the brain remember I forgot but can’t remember what I forgot 🤦🏾‍♂️