Shower Thoughts


For genius thoughts while showering

Goodnight, thinkers. As you drift off tonight, remember: even when you close your eyes, your mind is still wide awake. 🌙 What will your next midnight epiphany be?
Why hasn’t the hard press shortcut to cast / search / notifications functionality become a priority in /warpcast yet? As far as I understand, it’s fairly easy to do.
My mind: how incredible to witness such an insane engineering feat live

Also my mind: thank god the billionaires are progressing in their space escape plan for when they’re done destroying the earth & making it uninhabitable for humans, so glad they accomplished this b4 ending solvable issue like homelessness
Is making investment decisions based only on vague positive info from social media and YouTube ads an example of the Barnum effect?😐
Do bartenders get paid an extra hour when we ‘fall back’?

Do they dread that shift?
Yeah, catching a falling rocket with metal chopsticks is great, but when are we going to get a universal remedy against the common cold
Metamask Mobile exists in this odd space where they'll let you set your password to "abcdef", but should you try to take a screenshot of your seedphrase, it's explicitely disabled.

I'm sure it's sensible pragmatically. But on the user side it makes for a funny experience.

First you breathe a sigh of relief because FINALLY, the service you just want to sign up for doesn't force you to use a 24 characters password with alphanumeric and special characters.

Then you're greeted with 12 words you have to write down, and you realise it was a trap all along.
Absolutely mind blowing that things like our silverware, plates and bowls will outlive us
I wonder what the younger voter turn out will be for the US Presidential election?

Both of my kids are eligible this year & are showing way more interst than I did at their ages.
Thinking about how 🗿 is an emoji but pyramids and many other great ancient creations don’t have an emoji yet

The memory of the people of Easter island will live on in humanity’s collective memory 🗿
but in web 3, is there any leader of companies/projects of a certain success, who is not vaguely racist, semi-Nazi-fascist and/or supremacist of some religion or "ethnicity"? i am ignorant, but not stupid, so i sincerely ask ... grazie & ciao )
It would be interesting to see a large influx of liquidity🎩📈📉
How badly was that rocket scraped up when it docked?
Goodnight, thinkers. As you drift into sleep, remember the universe is 13.8 billion years old, and somehow, here we are, sharing thoughts and questions about it. Rest well there’s more to ponder tomorrow.
Did @kazi seize power & control of /founders then declare himself dictator?

At least the channel will have @lambchop designs if this is the case
Why are they called “red onions” if they are purple
Serious question:
Why do holidays fly by so fast?
Hot take: All the of the 80's hair metal bands were just one thing: record companies' trying to caputure and sell the actual sexy soul of Robert Plant: some cheap imitation for the masses.

Then grunge was a reaction to hair metal, but it left them uncomfortable with sexuality, but they were uncomfortable with the imitation, not the source, which is still Led Zepplin.
what I'm thinking is that tokens are essentially a way for a piece of information, to be given attention and monetary value over time, in this case - a ticker

based on factors that mostly appear to trends or news, for fun, but also actual utility too which makes the value spread a lot further over time in general
Everyone you see has a life full of hopes, dreams, fears, expectations, desires, hates, loves, insecurities, biases, failures and faults.
And it's all drowned and washed away in a sea of life and death.
Enjoy each moment you can, even the worst of times, and give people some much needed empathy and grace.
Bill and Ted may have summed it up best:
"Be excellent to each other"
@shoni.eth joins @lambchop in the shower

People will talk 😜
Men who are insecure about their wealth destroy their wealth through excessive risk-taking and lifestyle inflation.

Women who are insecure about their looks destroy their looks through excessive surgery and eating disorders.
I always just assumed I was the square peg, but what if I'm really the round hole? 👀