Kaêu Esuna

@olhosdesuna #444414

Kaêu Esuna they/them/him 🧚🏾‍♂️ Diasporic indigenous quilombola multi artist from brazilian part of Abya Yala researching the black hole on my universe
115 Follower 197 Following
Surreal 👉🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Gn🫶🏾 Who knows of Colombian collectives that work with digital media and manual arts simultaneously?
Skol @surreal Moments

Thanks for 17 mints 🫶🏾
We can’t access twitter in Brasil for now, I'm going to concentrate on showing my artwork here
I photographed the grass, the sky, glasses and grass-colored braids on a sunny day ☀️☀️
#tocation in Piauí - Brasil
The cat touch’s the grass 😽
My artwork for the Illustrate Nouns - Nouns x Higher Edition
@seneca @sloppy @0xleo @benbodhi @joshuafisher.eth .eth @toadyhawk.eth