
@proxystudio.eth #270504

founder /openventures | lead /proxyswap
26041 Follower 1796 Following
2,094.473 Test Degen Dollar

1,824.76 USDC in the @proxyswap pool

$608.00 or 71,337 WDEGEN in the @mintclub bonding curve

Test Degen Dollar price on proxyswap is 0.9668 USDC

Test Degen Dollar price on mintclub is $1.051, or 120 DEGEN or an equivalent tip

USDC on Proxyswap is down slightly at $.98 or 112 DEGEN

the game is afoot
I knew this was a risk, being a degenerately stable asset...

but test_degen_dollar is depegging

can someone make it stop going up?

1 test_degen_dollar = 1 USDC is the meme!
$7.2 USDC

from tip to a stablecoin, in minutes
cool how I just bridged 31 USDC to @degentokenbase layer 3 from test_degen_dollar royalties, earned from people minting degen dollars with degen tips!

that USDC wasn't on the L3 before, but now it is (added it to the test_dd <> USDC pool on @proxyswap)

that's called a small win

hope you all get one today
$PROXY token migration Batch #5 was processed today, 4,438 tokens were distributed to 7 people

there are 1,845.15 test Degen Dollars in existence right now

the are 'backed' by $1,831.21 USDC in the test_dd/USDC pool on @proxyswap dot tips and 41,418 WDEGEN ($356.28) on @mintclub

4 @farcaster users have minted test_dd using their degen tip allocations so far

collateral & liquidity for the first experimental, degenerately-stable asset on DL3 is healthy
$1000 USDC in the "degen dollar" test pool on @proxyswap, mint "test degen dollars" using your degen tips allocation!

join the stablecoin gang on @degentokenbase Layer 3, its early, we're so early
first DEGEN tip for test_degen_dollars on @warpcast :)

should I swap for USDC or provide LP?
EXPERIMENT: mint "degen dollars" with degen tips, swap degen dollars for USDC on Degen Chain

THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT, goal is to bootstrap USDC holdings on DL3. have fun :)

using @mintclub I created a token, "Test_Degen_Dollar"

supply is 1m, 2,000 minted to creator, 10% buy/sell fees. This token can be minted using tips (see cast reply for instructions)

I then took the creator share and initialized a TEST_DD <> USDC 1% pool on @proxyswap with a wide range

The /mintclub bonding curve trading fees (or my 8% after mintclub's cut) will be used to build up liquidity in the TEST_DD <> USDC pool. TEST_DD uses a log curve from 120 to 240. the wdegen from tips that buy the token will back those assets, or you can immediately swap from TEST_DD to USDC

TEST_DD CA: 0x358aE58b423c729253302dd90A3f3dF2023aa2a7

search "test_dd" on degen.mint.club to test it out, verify contract address please!
my "founder gets obsessed with dune analytics" arc is just getting started btw
good morning, there is currently $217,000 of WETH & stablecoin liquidity across the 3 top pools on @proxyswap

a few months ago I bridged the first WETH to LP on our little app, feelsgoodman!

did some back of napkin math to estimate APR from trading fees at current volume - which is low, but growing.

1. USDC/WDEGEN 1% = 228.71%

2. USDC/WETH 1% = 128.57%

it pays to be an early @degentokenbase L3 stablecoin adopter
10,286 USDC has bridged to DEGEN LAYER 3

a lot can happen in 30 minutes, wonder what will happen tomorrow?

Swap USDC & WETH or pool tokens against either on @proxyswap
$3,747 USDC Bridged, most LPing in two pools

USDC/WDEGEN 1% - $3.18k | 24 hr. volume $3k

USDC/WETH 1% - $4.03K Liq | 24 hr. volume $760.04

top pool remains WETH/DEGEN 1%

WETH/WDEGEN 1% - $409.83k | 24 hr. volume $24.14k

wen $10k USDC? wen $25k USDC volume across pools?
great reminder of how important @microsub is, these tips are just the small fee the service charges. lots of tips going to great people on here producing good content, building, posting

degen continues to be farmed, although IMO projects like degen.mint.club and degenpad are good for the ecosystem - just need good tokens to launch with them!

considering implementing a tip <> token feature on proxyswap that is whitelisted - quality requires effort.
@maxionbase weird little guy invaded the @proxyswap figma today

(I know the price is off, it’s from DEGEN lol just finalizing design)
Category: @paragraph
Author: @markfishman
Tags: creator, tech-stack, /firstdraft, /hypersub
Notes: mark is one of my favorite people doing their thing here, fun to get a peek behind the curtains at his latest collective accountability & writing club - first draft.
slop is the best new internet term

completely natural, emerges directly from the nature of content, attention, social media today

describes a post-internet audience of content consumers who are self-aware. the mindless, numb affect of AI videos, game streams running alongside 30 sec clips to make them more engaging, and a whole diverse category of content captured in a single expression
Category: Content
Stream: /okbanger
Creators: @cameron @christin
Tags: talking, @six, peasant-attire, audiences
Notes: great stream from Cameron and Christin's okay banger, had it on in the background doing some admin this afternoon and...it was good! you should listen, maybe even show up live next time although might help if the @event tags me so I remember :)
Jacek the type of guy to shoutout his wife on a big day
trump is the great comic talent of our time. getting distracted by political aspirations nearly robbed us of countless good jokes. but a man this talented cannot help himself and so we still do get bangers regardless of his job title
Doing my next product launch like this (my skins is nicer though because I’m still blood boy age)
Looking into the "transaction failed" popup on proxyswap.social

the transactions are actually NOT failing so its quite rude of our app to say otherwise.

v0 is too self-deprecating, I don't mind a warning "this swap may fail due to low slippage" but come on bro
Category: @paragraph
Author: @0xantidote.eth
Tags: missed-it-when-it-came-out, social, devices
Notes: had a great call with the author yesterday (cc: @luc who has never let me down with an intro rec) and enjoyed reading their take on social, impact of the devices we use, and styles of communication. Published two months ago, it made me wonder what else I've missed from people outside my social graph, or just because I'm a busy fellow

drop anything you think I'd enjoy in the replies! or dm if you aren't a member

this morning in @proxyswap land…devs told me “ETH and Stables on the @jacek chain are part of any balanced breakfast” so now both are featured right on top

Bridge with @relay or @undefined swap at proxyswap.tips