Farcaster Devs


A channel for builders on Farcaster to ask questions and get support

sooo basscaster initial run was pretty successful!

some stability to work on but clubhouse on farcaster is doable!!
where is the mini app spec? Trying to implement in my client and I cannot find it with WC search or the FC docs.

cc @horsefacts.eth
What would you build if farcaster had a scripting language?
📣 Draft spec for miniapp transaction requests. Goals are to 1) let composer actions and miniapps request transactions from the user's wallet and 2) keep this as similar to frame transactions as possible.

Feedback is welcome!

Anyone using remix with Farcaster Auth Kit and got it to work?

I have a sign in button, but isAuthenticated doesn't update on the useProfile() hook

generally seems like remix has less good auth options then nextjs since next-auth credentials provider isn't there. better-auth doesn't seem to have credentials provider and authjs (formerly next-auth) is not available for remix besides building it myself via auth/core

so manually manipulation session seems to be the best way?
Not sure if this is a Frame simulator bug or /warpcast frame handling bug. When I assign a (button-specific) post_url to a post_redirect action, the frame is posting to the (default) fc:frame:post_url URL instead of the button specific one. Thoughts?
Potentially dumb question, is it possible to put a livestream feed in a Frame?
Cross posting here because hot damn I got a good app I want to ship if the images come through reliably 🌝

fun bounty: compile a list of the top casters for the /memes channel, will probably be useful for other channels as well
if building clients, you can now hide low quality replies behind a "show more" flag similar to warpcast

just pass `fold=above` as part of the request params in the conversation endpoint: https://docs.neynar.com/reference/cast-conversation

even if not hidden, replies will already be ranked by quality

reach out with feedback or questions 🪐
i want a way to build out frame flows with html/css

git for version control of text >>> images

does this exist?

cc @samuellhuber.eth
Hey guys!

Looking for general feedback on https://engagement.vision.

It’s my first app that integrates with Farcaster so I feel like I’m doing things in a wonky way.

But it works! You can search farcaster user’s and view a detailed breakdown of their engagement within specific communities.
Are pfps from Merkle's cloudinary proxy deprecated?

Noticed we have ~175 users that still have this pfp url and they don't seem to be loading properly

If this is phased out, it would be great if WC team could update these images on hubs to avoid loading errors on other apps/clients

The webhooks docs goes to a 404

Does anyone have the webhooks links?
@base cc
Buoy + Discord

Get curated, seamless, farcaster notifications straight to your discord
/dune @dune.eth

this is not a helpful response.

what is the rate limit? by how much have i exceeded it? what is my cooldown period? what is my quota? where can i go in the web dashboard to track/fix this issue (besides your payment page)?

fwiw i only made 3 (yes, 3) requests to the API today. do better.
Would love for state to be in the Frames State property instead of URL parameters in Frog

(yes not a member in /frogfm, so can't post there and no way to apply to be a member from cast composer)

does anyone have resources they can share on how best to format token data?

decimals, USD vs. token amount, anything related to the long strings of numbers that we routinely deal with when swapping tokens lol

trying to find some sort of universal standard I can apply that will make things look...prettier! but which also works to display what a user needs to see

if I'm approaching this problem from the wrong angle, also feel free to tell me
Any Farcaster clients that support updating USER_DATA_TYPE_URL?

(Warpcast doesn't, and that's an opportunity :-)
1. composer and cast actions become 'mini apps'
2. you open mini apps through a frame, cast action, or explore page
3. txn support in mini apps (just like in frames)
4. mini apps are ranked on actual usage instead of only on the number of frames posted (current system for composer actions afaik?)
What does 'is_syncing' indicate? That the hub is active and syncing date with others, or that it's behind the global state and it's trying to sync with other hubs?
