

devFC has two parts a private community and public channels: Subscribers can join the private community, while all educational resources once finished as well as some discussions happen in this open channel.

When designing an API "string" is not a good data type, please stop using it or show a regex for the string in the description or wherever.

NO I don't think me giving you a date and not knowing how the string should be formatted and having to go through 30min of trial and error and 3 feedback loops is a good way to spend my time. Thank you
Some history on mini apps, apps within apps

From the Facebook and MySpace days

FC is now here but with way less DAU.

Take this for what you want.

What is the lowest hanging fruit someone should build, but you haven't seen built yet?

Would love to see the one line pitch + why it's so badly needed in your eyes.
Bonus points for pointers on how to get started building
What are the biggest challenges you are facing currently? Which have you solved? (technical and non technical) /devfc
Was asked what /devfc members look for and do.

Looking for: a dev focused chat that is purely that and not overly active. A cozy hyper focused corner

Building: all kinds of Farcaster related or non related businesses as founder or engineer


Sounds like you? Join us

the channel /devfc is the public forum of the hypersub group. Use it as your public forum.
Framework for building, orchestrating and deploying multi-agent systems. Managed by OpenAI Solutions team. Experimental framework

What’s the TLDR on using it? What capabilities does it enable?
Farcaster Workshop.

Why does Open Data matter? and how to build hyperpersonalized E-Commerce on Farcaster!

Includes Code Samples + a full keynote
Little gotcha with TypeScript

There are two ways that you can prevent this odd behaviour 🧵 👇
Which Frames framework provides a visual overview of how the frames call each other and lets you explore that?

Imagine you interchain multiple frames (e.g. one step after the other) and see a visual excalidraw style representation of these and when hovering over buttons see which parameters (state, query params) are passed between at which fields will be filled at which (e.g. if previous is a 'tx' action)

that would make large complex frame building way way easier since one then doesn't juggle the frames or redraw the diagrams manually all the time.

I'd start written code -> diagrams, but can see it also be diagrams -> frame scaffolding later similar to what /frametown does for full frames from figma
This is your weekly call to rename Composer Actions to Mini Apps (and just accept that mini apps will be able to edit casts in the composer)

Cast Actions & Composer Actions are too similar in naming and users think of the composer as cast.

That means no one knows what they are talking about.

Simple naming. Mini App for everything that renders iFrames.

Cast Action for the thing you press as context menu on a cast

Frame for everything adhering to the FC:Frames spec opengraph extension

This is the most advanced proper layout of Frame Image generation I've seen in code yet!

I encourage everyone to look at this file, it has

- proper Error Handling
- OpenTelemetry
- and the whole frame runs off bun + sqlite😃
okay this may sound weird, but why does an auth library have 412 dependencies? who audits these? am I the only one freaking out by how much of a dependency hell the average Typescript/JS experience is?

create-remix-app and adding privy auth -> 1232 packages added? LIKE WTF
One thing I would LOVE to see, it live coding in Farcaster

Is there anyone doing this already?
It could be a cozy place for devs and new devs to learn and share about a specific topic

i.e. 101 of building a frame, how do signers work?, Basics of smart contracts, etc.
How much time do you spend learning and researching new topics?

I am starting to make it a habit to read at least 20 minutes about a topic I am not familiar with

Today it's about ZK SNARKs
What is the lowest hanging fruit someone should build, but you haven't seen built yet?

Would love to see the one line pitch + why it's so badly needed in your eyes.
Bonus points for pointers on how to get started building
Being a solo dev, managing your own web or mobile app can be challenging.

But when you're passionate about what you do, you naturally find ways to make it more maintainable.

It’s all about adapting and optimizing processes to keep enjoying the journey.
@jpfraneto.eth you‘re right his is cool AF DevRel work

Btw don’t come at me for saying K8s is it
Who is betting against react native?

May the real slim dev please stand up?
What are the biggest challenges you are facing currently? Which have you solved? (technical and non technical) /devfc
Was asked what /devfc members look for and do.

Looking for: a dev focused chat that is purely that and not overly active. A cozy hyper focused corner

Building: all kinds of Farcaster related or non related businesses as founder or engineer


Sounds like you? Join us

the channel /devfc is the public forum of the hypersub group. Use it as your public forum.
In case one also is looking for the write up to it (has a YouTube video too)
New big Hub FAQ is live! Ever had a question about Hubs? It's answered here!

coming eventually: more Hubble API resources
FMK (Fuck, Marry, Kill) - VIM Edition

VIM: VIM/neoVim in Terminal
VIM Mode: e.g. in IDE VIM Mode for Keybindings