@tabasco #13819

Accelerating Web3 adoption at Particle Network
322 Follower 167 Following
building Universal Accounts.

in the gif below, converting USDT fragmented across Arbitrum and Optimism to cbBTC on @base (mainnet), with one signature (automatically bridging).

will support cb smart accounts aswell
cross-posting this here, figured may be interesting.

solver-based multi-chain balance unification
chain abstraction implementation shipped in early access recently

spend assets located on any chain, without bridging, using ERC-4337

gif attached is me sending 12 USDC split across @base, @0xtobby, and @optimism; 5 seconds, gas paid using USDT on OP (all on mainnet)
lots of technologies converging right now to enable true modular expansion. chain abstraction being one of them.

millions of chains, no fragmentation. the only viable path forward for the ecosystem is modular
gmodular farcaster 🧱
Decided to put together a rundown of the general design philosophy here (the ideal user flow, content verticals, rationale behind different structural decisions, etc.)

Curious what you guys think about this content approach.

Hey guys, we just launched brand new docs over at @particlenetwork; been in the works for quite a while, previously we were using Gitbook (https://docs.particle.network) but needed a revamp.

Just released today. Would love feedback from anyone that's down to take a look!

👉 https://developers.particle.network
Highs in the negatives here in Denver this week, shaping up for a cold few months. Would recommend packing heavy for those coming here in late February haha
Joined @particlenetwork around five months ago as their only DevRel, been a ton of fun so far.

In 4 months, we've:
- Rewritten all of our docs
- Posted 26+ videos, 30+ demos/repos
& more

Would love to hear some of your thoughts on the general strategy here.
what's the best BTC L2/sidechain?
We've been cooking up some cool stuff on BTC at @particlenetwork

AA on BTC through L2s like BEVM, BitLayer, B2, etc.

gm aa channel, this is dope.

cool demo on gasless inscriptions: https://particle-inscription-demo.replit.app / https://github.com/TABASCOatw/particle-inscription-demo

inscriptions with SAs are sort of a pain from my testing due to calldata causing reversion, so currently using them as a conduit for EOA ownership
traditional WaaS is pretty cool for onboarding into EOAs but hardly a solution to the larger UX problem

tying in AA and intents can get us much closer to some semblance of "user-friendliness"

we just posted a full whitepaper-like rundown on our approach to this
lots of cool chatter about intents recently.

I don't blame anyone for just seeing it as a buzzword, because it is in some capacity, but there's also alot of really cool underlying UX tech

did a talk at intent.wtf the other week about this
for the devs and reaearcher chads in here

we just dropped an article outlining our (soon to come) architecture for generalized and universal intent-centric design

would be dope to hear any thoughts on this from you guys
enabling private social logins (mpc + aa waas) using zkp's

something we've been working on for a while, just published our first article diving into specifics on this
GM everyone! We just spun up an account, @particlenetwork

The Intent-Centric, Modular Access Layer of Web3 (via. Wallet-as-a-Service)

Throw it a follow if you're interested in the UX-tech sector of Web3!
For anyone here interested in the 4337 side of things, we just open-sourced our bundler

This is the same bundler that facilitated 100K+ userops on opBNB in under 4 days & hit >50k on Scroll & Combo quite quickly aswell.

GM guys! Figured some of you might find this interesting. We (Particle Network) just posted an article diving into the current landscape surrounding intents/intent-centric design and how it meets (or extends) the AA/4337 landscape.

Tons of information here for anyone interested in intents.
revamped this old web app of mine recently for anyone interested.

runs RPC latency tests (+ a few other tests) locally in your browser: https://nodelookup.ethanfrancis.app/
Reth by Paradigm has been getting quite alot of attention lately- but why?

What exactly is Reth? How does it compare to more traditional ETH clients like Erigon and Geth?

Let's jump into it 🧵 ↓

(Planning to post this on Twitter later this week, wanted to post it here first. btw, are threads a "thing" here?):
GM! Just got access to Farcaster; really solid platform from first impressions.

Thank you for the invite @colin!