vrypan |--o--|

@vrypan.eth #280

Dad, geek, conversation liquidity provider. vrypan.net (home), /weatherxm (work), @l--o--l (fun). Also https://paragraph.xyz/@purplesubmarine
52021 Follower 911 Following
Local first, Farcaster + IPFS website that shows Farcaster hubs.

A map of hubs around the world, updated hourly.

This is how it works:
- Everything runs on my home server
- A script runs every hour and generates the map using fc-nmap. It adds the generated html page to my ipfs server and pins it. It uses fario-userdata to update @fc1's USER_DATA_TYPE_URL to ipfs://CID.
- This makes the page is accessible using furl.pro.
WFT! I spent nearly a day, trying to understand what was wrong with a headless server in my network. I was unable to ssh to it. "No route to host".

The reason? At some point I got this meaningless message "Allow iTerm to discover devices around you" and I clicked "No". Wtf, Apple?

Solution: System Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network
I'm watching the logs of an Ubuntu server during a release upgrade.

Endless lines, and each one of them about a package updated/installed. Each line represents hours, often thousands of hours, often much more, from people all around the world, invested over decades. And all these pieces of code, work together. What an amazing achievement!
Host static websites with IPFS + Farcaster.

1. Upload your website to ipfs.
2. Use @recaster-fc to set your profile url to ipfs://... (your website hash).
3. Go to https://<your fname>.furl.pro

Kudos: @haole (recaster), @livid (furl.pro)
@eulerlagrange.eth I DC-ed you a request, casting here because not sure if you'll see it.
It is always very educational to read @vitalik.eth's thoughts on these things.

I'm trying to see what we can learn and use in the upcoming Farcaster chain. One interesting point is that the the three competing goals do not apply to Farcaster, because time to finality is not something to optimize for.

On the other hand, it seems that we have accepted that we should not try to maximizing the number of validators, which I'm not comfortable with, and we are mostly focused on efficiency.
This is how I see it. The trick is to have an answer before it costs you more than you benefit from it. (Not just $$$. It may be time, experience, satisfaction, recognition, etc.)
An often overlooked GitHub feature, that can make your repos look much more attractive when you share them on social: Social media preview.

New option: "fc-nmap map"

It creates a nice, html map of hubs around the world.
Any Farcaster clients that support updating USER_DATA_TYPE_URL?

(Warpcast doesn't, and that's an opportunity :-)
Host your decentralized site using Farcaster and IPFS!

I set my farcaster USER_DATA_TYPE_URL=ipfs://bafybeia5hsdbtqzhrbbdqoron4lajlsgmltt5na2wwigxr4b2knji2d7xm

When you go to vrypan.furl.pro, you see my ipfs-hosted website. :-)

Amazing, @livid!

No, let's wait for Farcaster clients to make it easy to update USER_DATA_TYPE_URL ;-)
What does 'is_syncing' indicate? That the hub is active and syncing date with others, or that it's behind the global state and it's trying to sync with other hubs?

Broad vs Narrow data types (for example, cast location vs external data FIPs)

I'm in favor of broad types. I like how RSS enclosures allowed podcasting to emerge (and practically this is the only broadly used RSS application today). Broad types allow clients to implement new features without protocol updates -more permissionless from a dev pov.

On the other hand, narrow types create a well-defined, well-scoped environment, easier to navigate for devs who want to implement a standard feature set.

What's your take?
fc-nmap is starting to be usable. (Video speed is accelerated in some parts)
Signers (rebranded as app keys) are extremely powerful, but I think they are becoming a disaster waiting to happen. Users are not aware how to manage them, and even if they were, there are no reliable tools to do so.

Does anyone else share the same concerns? If so, what can we do to improve them?
Someone build a channel checkin frame. Two options:

1. Click to checkin
2. See # of currently checked in (last hour probably)
@sanjay, when calling grace GetInfo() what is a reasonable timeout? I know it depends on my connection too, let's say connection is as fast as possible, and I'll add some latency to it.
During the dev call today, @v said they are working on prototyping snap chain consensus using Informal System's malachite, which promises fault-tolerance and censorship-resistance. https://informal.systems/blog/interchain-meet-starknet
I don't know what to think of this. My brain is toasted.

Algo feature request/optimization/thought: time sensitivity.

Some casts are time-sensitive. For example, a live streaming announcement. Is there any way to a) promote them more while they are still valid and b) maybe not promote them when their validity expires?

My problem is I see announcements about streams I'd like to watch 11h after they are over :-)
Who will build .farcaster.sucks or .farcaster.limo to enable decentralized websites on IPFS?

- user sets USER_DATA_TYPE_URL to ipfs://CID
- DNS updates the CNAME user.farcaster.sucks to point to CID.ifps.gateway

Feels like the idea is a perfect fit for @pinatacloud?
