
@worden #226915

/justbuild | We can create something great here
1901 Follower 248 Following
Also wanted to post a couple photos of my handmade ↑ ↑ ↑ soccer ball.

I think this was a pretty cool prototype and I see where I can improve. Got enough leather to make 2-3 more of them. Any suggestions?
A custom /higher soccer ball made from green and white leather with every stitch done by yours truly. Included a video to showcase how much work goes into one of these.

It's a standard 12 pentagon 20 hexagon ball made from green leather with 3 pentagons and 2 hexagons made from white leather. I thought it kinda looked like an up arrow.

We've successfully converted to POS (Proof of Stitch).
Aimed higher ↑ and taught myself how to make a soccer ball from scratch. Made from Italian leather.

Might have to pick up some green and white leather to make a /higher ball.
I'm trying to transfer ownership of /justbuild to the homie @justbuild, but can't seem to push it through (keep getting the same error). Does anybody else have this issue?
It's not digital, but I'm pretty proud of the plush soccer ball I made recently. I call it the doggy ball:
Who here agrees with me that @justbuild is one of the coolest people on Farcaster??
ITAP of the Lake Agnes Tea House that's right above Lake Louise
Time to keep learning 🤓
My entire life up until this point has taught is that the most important time to go higher is when everybody thinks we can only go lower.

Asymmetric returns on life quality, happiness, and capital.
10 Moxie Passes available — mint yours to get access to Moxie, use Farcaster Fan Tokens, and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
/justbuild some hiking endurance and enjoy a /higher view of Lake Louise
If any doing numbers podcast fans need a fix, @martin did this pod just for us: https://surr.app/collect/bOertNKNZFhqen6KpyMK
Feel even more bullish now
Anybody else feelin' bullish?
Higher has something so special, but the message can only spread as far as Farcaster in its current form.

/higher will always be home and where the magic happens, but not opening up new paths to disseminate the memes and culture to new audiences feels like a huge lost opportunity.
If meme quality and quantity go down with a token's price...

Is an inverse correlation between token price and meme creativity bullish?
Can the eventual higher marketplace have an option to buy prints of your favorite higher memes?

I would 100% buy this panther and hang it in my office ↑
I wasn't even thinking of this, but it feels spot on.
I'm probably wrong here, but I would have tunnel vision focus on crypto content of any form. Knowing that one day in the future another wave of users will come into crypto for speculation.

Farcaster is then positioned as the #1 social media tool for engaging in this new hobby of yours.

Friend: "I'm starting to get into crypto!"

Me: "You gotta download Warpcast!"

People read/watch content, create new connections, and soon enough they'll be drawn into the non-crypto corners of Farcaster.

Even after the speculation ends, they'll find themselves enjoying the experience of Farcaster more than Twitter (like most of us do). Just my two cents.
The irony of getting rich quick in crypto is that you have to be patient
The higher ↑ bug is spreading faster than we can contain it
Messed around w/ Figma for the first time today. Decided to make a higher dating app. It's like Tinder except you can only swipe up ↑↑↑
Earn $units by following the guidelines and casting in /justbuild up to 3 times a day! A new Farcaster experiment to see if token incentives can bootstrap specific content inside a channel. This is just the beginning.

Feel like I need to take up graphic design so I can contribute to all the awesome higher memes. Everyone seems to be on fire lately