Proof Of inner Work


There is no inner growth without vulnerability. Safe & brave space to raise your vibes. Lets aim ↑ higher collectively. Hypersub membership:

I feel sad today: I lost track recently with getting into the latest shiny thing: social tracking via interface app and others.

Fact, I aped into shitcoins not worth my attention.

Instead i could have DCA'd into higher since beginning of October; it's p 6-7x today since it bottomed.

I admit that I have managed my addictive boundaries really poorly and it had negative financial consequences; I probably destroyed 50% of what I put in last month.

I find it very hard to let that go...even if my overall portfolio has bumped considerably. Such a paradox, isn't it?
"The fact that we are not unafraid and open in this world, most of us, is a function of civilisation and culture. It is not part of human nature."
Gabor Maté

Anyone read 'The Myth of Normal'? /books
"we are normies in most thing"

that is a fantastic quote worth pondering on.

My take: be normie in 80% or more to conserve life energy for the 205 where we take a shot at being exceptional. Or even 90-10

My younger ego wanted the tb "special" most of the time...🤣

What is my true self here? Figuring it out
Meet It with Love

Meet it with love:
the shadows, the dark,
the parts I’d rather run from,
push away, or ignore.

Meet it with love:
the parts that cling so tightly,
too scared or unsure
to welcome change.

Meet it with love:
the deep pain that seems
unbearable to hold.

When met with love,
a softening begins—
an acceptance, an understanding,
a chance to choose anew.

Meet it with LOVE.
Eckhart Tolle coined the term frequency-holder in his book, the New Earth. He describes a frequency holder as an individual “who actively maintains a positive & high vibrational energy, contributing to the overall well-being of their environment by simply “being” in that state.

What frequency are you on today?
All welcome to do the /innerwork, to better understand yourself & also have the openness and compassion to understand each other even when we have different perspectives.
The comfort of repeating known patterns, even if they don’t lead to growth, can feel easier than the vulnerability and work associated with /innerwork.
Dear followers, we are on retreat this weekend and will study the channel changes next week.

We are pretty excited with the overall direction of travel and we want to deepen the connection here with you 💙

Have a great weekend. Touch grass 😀
Where is your vibration at on a Monday?
this is so important.

and hope is elevated by love, which is healing medicine for fear.
I found these three questions a great starting point for self inquiry & health:

1) In my life’s important areas, what am I not saying no to?
2) With whom and in what situations do I find it most difficult to say no? Even if I do it, do I do it reluctantly, apologetically or with guilt?
3) How does my inability to say no impact my life?
Yes go @afrochicks 👏 👏
Step by step, you can completely change the trajectory of the outcome...
This week, I’m creating awareness around my JUDGEMENTS. 💡

Today, I caught myself judging my teenage stepson, thinking things like, “Why doesn’t he do things the way I want?” 🤔

But I’m learning to create space and shift from JUDGEMENT to CURIOSITY. Now I ask myself (and him), “I wonder why he does it that way?” 🧐

It’s such a relief! My body softens, and it opens up a more level, respectful way to communicate. 🗣️✨

this is the product that adam is referring to on the quoted cast, when i asked about recommendations for the gift of my daughters birthday

when i was building my house, i had to go almost daily to "homecenter sodimac", to get materials for it. any person that has gone through the process of building a house can tell you that you will, eventually, run out of any material that you need

so you will have to go to these stores quite a lot

anyway. each time that i went, i asked myself:

why do people come here? what is the promise that this place brings to their life? and i got to the conclusion that we just love building things. that's why minecraft is so valuable. that's why we love legos. and that's why he +1'd this game
Dear innerists: go deep inside for this one - you can even earn some reward.

reflect-and-earn thanks for @ponder and @optimism
I finally get to meet Gabor Maté in person this week at the Compassionate Inquiry Conference in Romania. @donnaa.eth @farrah-dyer
I have spent 6-7 hours over two weeks trying to get my Coinbase account unblocked. This is stretching my limits. I yelled at the umpteenth customer agent today.

My worst nightmare is an authoritarian inner child wishes this dystopian scenario to never come true.
/selfcare for me, not always nature for me but these are my steps:

Prioritize my NEEDS
Know my WANTS
Speak my TRUTH
Nurture my HIGHER SELF

Totally agree with what was said in a conversation between Gabor Maté & Tara Brach with regards to doing the /innerwork & /meditation

"You've got to take care of the inside (world) if your going to take care of the outside (world)" Gabor Maté
This essay sums up the art of 'Letting Go'.... beautifully explained by @know

'Letting go is an art. The Buddha named this art the middle way.'
I completely detonated yesterday including slamming my fist against the wall. Felt awful afterwards.

@ruthveda.eth then nudged me to intentionally hit the boxing bag hanging in our carport. Get relieved afterwards and even fell asleep on the sofa coming down.

Anger needs to be proceeded.

Had a great day today 😀
Makes me want an "inner worker" shirt.

Would anyone be interested?
relates to innerwork. I loved the teaching, practice and then exploration of both today with @know

Come and join next week?
Ok frens - what subculture and rituals shall we have here?

And wdyt of an innerwork fan-token by moxie?